Foundations of MEMS

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Author: Chang Liu

ISBN-10: 0131472860

ISBN-13: 9780131472860

Category: Electronics - Microelectronics

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Ch. 1Introduction1Ch. 2Introduction of microfabrication28Ch. 3Review of essential electrical and mechanical concepts48Ch. 4Electrostatic sensing and actuation103Ch. 5Thermal sensing and actuation153Ch. 6Piezoresistive sensors207Ch. 7Piezoelectric sensing and actuation245Ch. 8Magnetic actuation279Ch. 9Summary of sensing and actuation307Ch. 10Bulk micromachining and silicon anisotropic etching326Ch. 11Surface micromachining371Ch. 12Polymer MEMS397Ch. 13Microfluidics applications422Ch. 14Instruments for scanning probe microscopy455Ch. 15Optical MEMS486Ch. 16MEMS technology management509AppFrequently used formulas for beams and membranes