Foundation Vibration Analysis Using Simple Physical Models

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Author: John P Wolf

ISBN-10: 0130107115

ISBN-13: 9780130107114

Category: Construction & Building Trades - General & Miscellaneous

This book provides simple physical models to represent the unbounded soil in time and frequency domain analysis. They do not supplant the more generally applicable rigorous methods, but rather supplement them. The physical models used consists of the following representations: cones based one-dimensional rod theory; lumped-parameter models with frequency-independent springs, dashpots, and masses; and prescribed wave patterns in the horizontal plane. The physical models thus offer a...

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This book provides simple physical models to represent the unbounded soil in time and frequency domain analysis. They do not supplant the more generally applicable rigorous methods, but rather supplement them. The physical models used consists of the following representations: cones based one-dimensional rod theory; lumped-parameter models with frequency-independent springs, dashpots, and masses; and prescribed wave patterns in the horizontal plane. The physical models thus offer a strength-of-materials approach to foundation dynamics.

ForewordPrefaceList of Tables for Lumped-Parameter Models1Introduction12Foundation on Surface of Homogeneous Soil Halfspace273Foundation on Surface of Soil Layer on Rigid Rock1634Embedded Foundation and Pile Foundation2265Simple Vertical Dynamic Green's Function2946Seismic Excitation3087Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction341A Interaction Force-Displacement Relationship and Green's Function of Cone Model362B Consistent Lumped-Parameter Model378C Recursive Evaluation of Convolution Integral391D Dynamic Stiffness of Foundation on or Embedded in Layered Soil Halfspace401References416Index419