Formulas of Acoustics

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Author: Fridolin P. Mechel

ISBN-10: 3540425489

ISBN-13: 9783540425489

Category: Signal Processing - General & Miscellaneous

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This collection of formulas has been written by applied scientists and industrial engineers for design professionals and students who work in engineering acoustics. It is subdivided into the most important fields of applied acoustics, each dealing with a well–defined type of problem. It provides easy and rapid access to profound and comprehensive information. In order to keep the text as concise as possible, the derivation of a formula is described only as far as necessary for its understanding. The interested reader can refer to the original source of the result. In addition to formulas, useful principles and computational procedures are given.

AEditorialsPrefaceContentsConventionsBGeneral Linear Fluid AcousticsCEquivalent NetworksDReflection of SoundEScattering of SoundFRadiation of SoundGPorous AbsorbersHCompound AbsorbersISound TransmissionJDuct AcousticsKAcoustic MufflersLCapsules and CabinsMRoom AcousticsNFlow AcousticsOAnalytical and Numerical Methods in AcousticsPVariational Principles in AcousticsQElasto-AcousticsRUltrasound Absorption in SolidsSNonlinear AcousticsIndex