Food as Foe: Nutrition and Eating Disorders

Library Binding
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Author: Lesli J. Favor

ISBN-10: 0761425535

ISBN-13: 9780761425533

Category: Diets - Better Health

"Provides a basic, comprehensive introduction to eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, with a review of where to find help and how to make wise food choices to become healthy"--Provided by publisher.

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"Provides a basic, comprehensive introduction to eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, with a review of where to find help and how to make wise food choices to become healthy"--Provided by publisher. Children's Literature Part of the Marshall Cavendish series about "Food and Fitness," this book addresses the role food plays in our lives and in our health, nutritional and unhealthy choices we make as well as a range of eating disorders. The text is clear and easily readable, ranging from a 6th-grade to a 10th-grade reading level. Most junior high students would be able to read this with little difficulty. Factual information is supported by charts, graphs, sidebars and notes indicating sources and further resources. Supplementary materials include a glossary and a well-formulated index as well as a list of further sources for research purposes. As a nonfiction informational text, this would most likely not be a text that was read from cover to cover, but would more likely be used as a resource when researching a topic. Because of the high degree of organization and the textual supports, this would clearly be a useful text for this purpose. In the section on anorexia nervosa, the author has included information about harmful websites that promote anorexia as a lifestyle choice. This is an indication of the high level of research and inclusiveness of information in this text. Photographs interspersed throughout the book depict primarily adolescent girls, and a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds are represented. Reviewer: Wendy M. Smith-D'Arezzo

Introduction     6Food: Friend or Foe?     9Healthy and Unhealthy Patterns of Eating     17Nutrition and Wellness     25What Are Eating Disorders?     39Eating Disorders and Self-Image     47Body Weight     55Anorexia Nervosa     63Bulimia Nervosa     73Binge Eating Disorder     83Other Eating Disorders     89Appendixes     99Notes     107Glossary     111Further Information     115Bibliography     119Index     123

\ Children's Literature\ - Wendy M. Smith-D'Arezzo\ Part of the Marshall Cavendish series about "Food and Fitness," this book addresses the role food plays in our lives and in our health, nutritional and unhealthy choices we make as well as a range of eating disorders. The text is clear and easily readable, ranging from a 6th-grade to a 10th-grade reading level. Most junior high students would be able to read this with little difficulty. Factual information is supported by charts, graphs, sidebars and notes indicating sources and further resources. Supplementary materials include a glossary and a well-formulated index as well as a list of further sources for research purposes. As a nonfiction informational text, this would most likely not be a text that was read from cover to cover, but would more likely be used as a resource when researching a topic. Because of the high degree of organization and the textual supports, this would clearly be a useful text for this purpose. In the section on anorexia nervosa, the author has included information about harmful websites that promote anorexia as a lifestyle choice. This is an indication of the high level of research and inclusiveness of information in this text. Photographs interspersed throughout the book depict primarily adolescent girls, and a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds are represented. Reviewer: Wendy M. Smith-D'Arezzo\ \