Flight Discipline

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Author: Anthony Kern

ISBN-10: 0070343713

ISBN-13: 9780070343719

Category: Aviation

Flight Discipline is the complete tool kit for any aviator, whether military, commercial, or recreational, to develop the crack discipline needed to be a safe and effective aviator. Major Tony Kern analyses the causes of poor flight discipline, gives chilling case studies of the consequences, and lays out a plan for individual improvement. Key words are italicized and review questions included for each chapter. An unequalled guide to this mainspring of good piloting.

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&'grave;A skilled pilot without flight discipline is a walking time bomb.'' In case history after case history, Lt. Col. Tony Kern shows the hair-raising and often fatal consequences of sloppy flight discipline—and shows you how to make sure that you don't fall into the same traps. Flight Discipline is the perfect tool to help aviators understand flight discipline, improve their skills, and be safer and more effective flyers. It can be used by the individual pilot or in a classroom setting. Key words and concepts are italicized throughout. Chapter review questions test your understanding and summarize the main points of the chapters. Case studies illustrate the tragic consequences of sloppy discipline. The book is divided into three logical sections, each packed with essential information about the hows and whys of flight discipline: Part One: The problem and costs of poor flight discipline in aviation: what can go wrong, and why; Part Two: The anatomy of flight discipline: instruction, planning, communication, and attention management; Part Three: How to insure flight discipline: instruction, planning, communication, and attention management. Conclusion: A personal plan for safer flying. Clear check-points for individual accountability and improvement. Whether flight planning, completing checklists, managing in-flight change, or resisting organizational or peer pressures to cut corners, flight discipline is the all-important mainspring of safe and successful flight.Dr. Tony Kern is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. He has commanded KC-135 tankers, piloted B-1B bombers, and served in various operational and training capacities in his Air Force career. He has designed numerous aviation education and training programs that have been implemented across the spectrum of aviation. He also lectures and consults internationally on aviation human factors and pilot accountability. Kern holds master's degrees in public administration and military history, and a doctorate in higher education. He currently lives and instructs at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Introduction.Part I: The Problem of Poor Discipline.The Costs of Poor Discipline.The Letter of the Law: Regulatory Deviation.The Problem with Shortcuts: Procedural Deviations.Organizational Policies: Two Issues for Flight Discipline.Part II: The Anatomy of Flight Discipline.The Enemy Within: Internal Factors Impacting Flight Discipline.Outside Influences: External Factors Impacting Flight Discipline.Guiding Lights: The Critical Role of Mentoring and Instruction.Part III: Killing Conditions: Common Scenarios for Breakdowns of Flight Discipline.The Experience Factor.Glory Seeking: The Airshow Syndrome.Misplaced Priorities.Overconfidence and Complacency.Failing to Prepare.Flight Insurance: A Personal Program for Improving Flight Discipline.