Financing Low-Income Communities: Models, Obstacles, and Future Directions

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Author: Julia Sass Rubin

ISBN-10: 0871547112

ISBN-13: 9780871547118

Category: Customer Service

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About the Authors     ixAcknowledgments     xiIntroduction   Julia Sass Rubin     1Creating Personal Assets     11New Savings from Old Innovations: Asset Building for the Less Affluent   Daniel Schneider   Peter Tufano     13Financial Education and Community Economic Development   Jeanne M. Hogarth   Jane Kolodinsky   Marianne A. Hilgert     72Making U.S. Microenterprise Work: Recommendations for Policy Makers and the Field   Lisa Servon     95Building Institutions     121Financing Organizations with Debt and Equity: The Role of Community Development Loan and Venture Capital Funds   Julia Sass Rubin     123The Un-Banks: The Community Development Role of Alternative Depository Institutions   Marva E. Williams     159Financing Production of Low-and Moderate-Income Housing   Rachel G. Bratt     183Predatory Lending and Community Development at Loggerheads   Kathleen C. Engel   Patricia A. McCoy     227Evaluating Progress     263Measuring the Impact of Community Development Financial Institutions' Activities   Robinson Hollister     265Index     311