Final Curtain: Eternal Resting Places of Stars, Celebrities, Moguls, Misers, Misfits and Their Stories

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Author: Margaret Tante Burk

ISBN-10: 0929765532

ISBN-13: 9780929765532

Category: General & Miscellaneous Biography

Ever wonder how the rich and famous, the stars and celebrities of the world, made their exit? Final Curtain has all the details. From the final resting places of dozens of celebrities to strange epitaphs and mysterious deaths, to fabulous funerals like Rudolph Valentino's and Sammy Davis Jr.'s where thousands jammed the streets. Glitzy theme-parked cemeteries, strange last requests, last promises and last vengeances. You'll see why California is the place to "go"!

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Ever wonder how the rich and famous, the stars and celebrities of the world, made their exit? Final Curtain has all the details. From the final resting places of dozens of celebrities to strange epitaphs and mysterious deaths, to fabulous funerals like Rudolph Valentino's and Sammy Davis Jr.'s where thousands jammed the streets. Glitzy theme-parked cemeteries, strange last requests, last promises and last vengeances. You'll see why California is the place to "go"!