Fifty More Fables of La Fontaine

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Author: Jean de La Fontaine

ISBN-10: 0252066502

ISBN-13: 9780252066504

Category: European Literature Anthologies

These wonderfully wrought moral tales will as easily charm children with bright and basic truths as they will delight adults drawn to their reflectively subtle, sophisticated facets of wit and wisdom.

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These wonderfully wrought moral tales will as easily charm children with bright and basic truths as they will delight adults drawn to their reflectively subtle, sophisticated facets of wit and wisdom.

IntroductionBibliographyThe Wolf and the Hound3The Heifer, the Goat, and the Lamb in Consort with the Lion7The Middle-aged Man and His Two Mistresses9The Fox and the Stork13The Child and the Schoolmaster17The Mastiff Bitch and Her Friend19The Lion and the Rat & The Dove and the Ant21The Crow Who Wanted to Imitate the Eagle23The Peacock Who Complained to Juno27The Wolf Turned Shepherd29The Frogs Who Ask for a King31The Fox and The Goat35A Reflection from Socrates37The Miser Who Lost His Treasure39The Fox Who Lost His Tail41The Doctors43The Deer and the Vine45The Snake and the File47The Lion Going Off to War49The Bear and the Two Companions51The Ass Dressed in the Lion's Skin55The Fox, the Ape, and the Animals57The Mule Who Boasted of His Family Tree61The Old Man and the Ass63The Hare and the Tortoise65The Ass and His Masters69The Peasant and the Snake71The Sick Lion and the Fox75The Horse and the Ass79The Animals Ill with the Plague81The Vultures and the Pigeons85The Coach and the Fly89The Two Cocks91The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox95The Lioness's Funeral99The Torrent and the Rivulet103The Ape and the Leopard105The Treasure and the Two Men109The Man and the Snake113The Money-Burier and His Friend119The Partridge and the Cocks121The Old Man and the Three Young Men123The Fox, the Flies, and the Hedgehog127The Forest and the Woodsman129The Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse131The Fox and the Young Turkey Cocks135The Scynthian Philosopher137The Elephant and Jupiter's Ape141The Matron of Ephesus145Notes157