Feeding the Starving Mind: A Personalized, Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Anorexia and Other Starvation Eating Disorders

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Author: Doreen Samelson

ISBN-10: 1572245840

ISBN-13: 9781572245846

Category: Psychological Disorders

Starvation eating disorders such as anorexia not only affect your body, but also take a devastating toll on your mind. Constantly feeling anxious about your weight, your appearance, and your self-worth can leave you mentally exhausted. And no matter how thin you become, it's impossible to be happy when you are controlled by anxious and obsessive thoughts.\ If you're ready to stop letting your eating disorder run your life, Feeding the Starving Mind can help. As you work through the program in...

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In Feeding the Starving Mind, a clinical psychologist and eating disorder specialist presents a program designed to help the older teen or adult with low-weight eating disorders like anorexia nervosa develop healthy eating habits and cope with chronic anxiety.

Acknowledgments ivForeword viiIntroduction 1Stage I Education-Starvation eating disorder primer: what we know about starvation eating disordersChapter 1 What is a starvation eating disorder? 11Chapter 2 The starving body 19Chapter 3 The starving brain 34Chapter 4 How did I get this way? 42Chapter 5 Fear: obsessive thinking and compulsive behaviors 54Stage II Getting ready-commitment, team building, and treatment planningChapter 6 Making a commitment to opposite action 71Chapter 7 Who's on your team: health care providers and nonprofessional coaches 86Chapter 8 Treatment components 96Stage III Getting well-weight restorationChapter 9 Eating disorders and self-harm: minimizing health risks 109Chapter 10 Restoring health with food: the first four phases 130Chapter 11 Restoring health with food: phases 5 and 6 149Chapter 12 Cognitive therapy: changing you thinking 166Chapter 13 Challenging core anxiety 188Stage IV Living-staying healthy and building a life beyond a starvation eating disorderChapter 14 Relapse prevention: maintaining a healthy weight 213Chapter 15 Building a life without a starvation eating disorder 228Helpful resources 241References 243