Featuring Females: Feminist Analyses of Media

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Author: Ellen Cole

ISBN-10: 1591472784

ISBN-13: 9781591472780

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Featuring Females analyzes the portrayals of women in a variety of outlets, including reality television shows, films, print and electronic news programming, magazines, video games, and commercial advertising. A highly esteemed group of scholars and researchers provides informed, original psychological study, and their thought-provoking findings address the ways in which aging, race/ethnicity, body image, gender roles, sexual orientation and relationships, and violence are treated in the...

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In response to film depictions of women psychotherapists as femme fatales, the APA formed a Media Watch Committee. In this product of an APA task force, 14 chapters analyze the complex intersection of media, gender, race, and feminism. Psychologists Cole (Alaska Pacific U., Anchorage) and Daniel (Harvard Medical School) introduce the themes of media as tools of socialization in regard to gender roles, body image, and sexuality; and how "reality" shows, video games, and other media perpetuate stereotypes and direct/indirect portrayals of aggression. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

IBeginning with girls : gender roles, body image, and sex1Ch. 1The impact of media use on girls' beliefs about gender roles, their bodies, and sexual relationships : a research synthesis3Ch. 2"He left her for the alien" : girls, television, and sex25Ch. 3The media's role in body image and eating disorders41IIDefining reality57Ch. 4Clash of cultures : women and girls on TV and in real life59Ch. 5Outwit, outlast, out-flirt? : the women of reality TV71Ch. 6Narratives of gender in computer advertisements85Ch. 7Hollywood's portrayal of psychologists and psychiatrists : gender and professional training differences101IIIAggression and violence : victims and perpetrators113Ch. 8Violence, sex, race, and age in popular video games : a content analysis115Ch. 9Mama bears, bitches, and monsters : motherhood and violence in popular film131Ch. 10Violence and women : news coverage of victims and perpetrators143Ch. 11Gender and the portrayal of direct and indirect aggression on television155IVGender images with a focus on race and age167Ch. 12African American women in search of scripts169Ch. 13Reflection and distortion : women of color in magazine advertisements185Ch. 14Aging to perfection or perfectly aged? : the image of women growing older on television199