Father Browne: A Life in Pictures

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Author: Edward Eugene O'Donnell

ISBN-10: 0863274366

ISBN-13: 9780863274367

Category: Photographers - Biography

'GET OFF THAT SHIP - PROVINCIAL'. This was the telegram that saved Frank Browne's life, and won him sudden fame when the Titanic sank. From the sedate life of a Jesuit student, he went straight to the trenches of World War I where his service as a chaplain saw him decorated for bravery. His passion for photography kept his Collection growing through his travels in Egypt, South Africa, Australia, Italy and all over Ireland and England - where one of his biggest commissions was to photograph...

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From his Jesuit training to the trenches of World War I to travels in Australia, Ceylon, Yemen, Egypt, Italy, Portugal, England and Ireland, this illustrated biography describes Father Browne's talent and tenacity and forms a unique pictorial record of his extraordinary life.