Excellence Every Day: Make the Daily Choice-Inspire Your Employees and Amaze Your Customers

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Author: Lior Arussy

ISBN-10: 091096579X

ISBN-13: 9780910965798

Category: Business Life & Skills

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Addressing all levels of the corporate ladder, from customer service to the CEO, this business-savvy handbook explores "The Excellence Myth," revealing a new philosophy of excellence to help individuals and organizations reach their performance potential. Including both personal anecdotes as well as the results of a 23,000-participant study, the book details the keys to expanding leadership skills, improving employee satisfaction and job performance, and securing customer loyalty. The guide also explains how making "The Daily Choice" will empower employees to reach new heights of excellence, creating delightful customer experiences and achieving results from the bottom up.

Preface and Acknowledgments     xiIn Search of Excellence?     1Excellence-Today More Than Ever     3Excellence or Nothing     7The Excellence Myth     9Admiring the Legends     9The Culture of Dilbertism     12The Theory of Excellence     17Now What?     19Excellence Every Day?     20The Excellence Aptitude Test     22Why We Fail to Delight Our Customers (While We Think We Do)     25The Gaps Tell the Story     27"I Wish I Could Do More"     31Excellence-Defining, Believing, Living     33Excellence vs. Consistency     35Anticipating Needs     37Response-Ability     39The Art of the Human Touch     41Early in the Morning     43Sincerely Yours     44The Daily Choice You Make-Delivering Excellence One Decision at a Time     47Choices or Chores?     50Does It Have to Be Every Day?     51Twenty Years to Overnight Success     52Excellence Starts with You     53The Puzzling Paper Clips     56Creating OrganizationalExcellence     61Millions of Daily Choices Every Day     61"You Must Smile Sincerely at All Times"     64The New "E"     67Generation Why?     69Upside-Down Management     71The Entrepreneurial Manager     73"We Just Do"     77Fly the Server     78Excellence and the Art of Persuasion     80Leading Your People to Excellence     83Serving Your Employees     83Summer Santa     87Live in the Customer's Shoes     89Empowered to Make the Right Decision?     91Permission to Fail     94Mistake of the Month     95Recognizing Excellence     96Would You Go All the Way?     98I Will Take the Cynic Over Any Other Employee     100Tell Me a Story     103Celebrating the Heroes     104Excellence Enablement     106Making Excellence Personal     109When I Grow Up I Want to Be     109Mechanical Performance vs. Impact Performance     113"How Would I Want to Be Treated If I Were on the Receiving End?"     116Inertia-Falling into a Performance Coma      117Make It Personal     120Hey, You! Yes, You!     122Be Proud of Your Masterpiece     123It Is All Around Us     125Excellence Daily Choice-Personal Leadership     129Performance at the Moment of Truth     129In Search of the Right Customer     136To Tie or Not to Tie: That Is Not the Question     139Excellence Daily Choice-Taking Ownership     143Waiting at the Altar     143Chocolate Chips to the Rescue!     145Never Give Up     147In Sickness and in Health     150Excellence Daily Choice-Creative Ways to Delight     153The Extra That Makes the Difference     153Delighting Customers One Clip at a Time     157The Old Is Dead-Long Live the Change     160Creating Customer Compliments in Five Minutes     170Excellence Daily Choice-Wow!     173All You Need Is Love ... in 11 Languages     173Excelling at the Smallest Details     175The Sweet Taste of Everything     178A Courier for a Day or Redefining On-Time     178Who Is Dr. WOW?     180A Beary Passionate Place to Be      182Excellence Daily Choice in Difficult Times     187Redefining "Getting It Done"     187With Patience and Perseverance     189Everyone Listens to Customers     190Chainsaw and the Art of Amazing Customer Experiences     192Wrenching Customers Away from the Competition     196Team Excellence or the Gifts Keep on Coming     198Just Imagine ... Then Make It Happen     201Are You Ready to Deliver Excellence?     204Lifelong Pursuit of Excellence     206Only 15 Minutes of Fame?     207It's Showtime     208Be Originally You     210The More You Give, the More You Have     211I Think I Can     212Higher and Higher     214Afterword: Moving Forward     217About the Author     219