Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide To Secrets & Lies

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Author: Russ Kick

ISBN-10: 0971394202

ISBN-13: 9780971394209

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

This book begins where You Are Being Lied To left off. Once again, an amazing group of investigative journalists, researchers, insiders, dissidents, and academics peels back consensus reality and shows us what's really happening. Hard, documented evidence on the most powerful institutions and controversial topics in the world. Among the revelations:\ \ \ Antidepressants trash your brain.\ China has repeatedly threatened to nuke the US.\ Young people are less violent now than they have been in...

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After reading the substantiated facts in this book, you'll wonder if anything you know is right. Library Journal From the people who brought us You Are Being Lied To, here is another engrossing and infuriating compilation of muckraking articles, expos s, and provocative claims. Some of the pieces in the book are very timely: an assertion that the government had advance warning of the September 11 terrorist attacks, reports of additional gunmen at Columbine High School, and additional details on Senator Bob Kerrey's actions in Vietnam. Most of the articles were written for this volume, though some appeared previously in reputable magazines and journals (e.g., the Village Voice, Toronto Globe & Mail, and Journal of Medical Ethics). Not all the pieces deal with political issues; readers will find a wide range of social ("Mad Cow Disease"), financial ("World Bank and the WTO"), and cultural topics. A few familiar names appear among the contributors (Howard Zinn, Paul Krassner), but most are investigative reporters not well known to the public. This contrarian collection will attract a diverse readership from conspiracy nuts to academics and is recommended for most public libraries. Thomas A. Karel, Franklin & Marshall Coll. Lib., Lancaster, PA Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.

Preface Richard Metzger Introduction --LUCRE-- Burn the Olive Tree, Sell the Lexus Greg Palast and Oliver Shykles Drug Companies: Sell Hard, Sell Fast...and Count the Bodies Later Arianna Huffington The Vatican Bank Jonathan Levy The Antitrust and Monopoly Myth Dominick T. Armentano Dirty Money and Global Banking Secrecy Lucy Komisar Globalization for the Good of All Noreena Hertz --THE HIGH AND MIGHTY-- The Senator's Ashes: Bob Kerrey, CIA War Crimes, and the Need for a War Crimes Trial Douglas Valentine Olympic Industry Mythology: A Consumer's Guide Helen Jefferson Lenskyj The European Union Unmasked: Dictatorship Revealed Lindsay Jenkins Watchdog Nation Cletus Nelson --TRUE TRUE CRIME-- Henry: Fabrication of a Serial Killer Brad Shellady The Monster of Florence: Serial Killings Lead to Italy's High Society Rory Carroll Witnesses to a Massacre: Other Participants in Columbine Russ Kick Charlie Manson's Image Paul Krassner Free Lauriane: Father Claims Daughter Molested, Held Political Prisoner in France James Ridgeway with Sandra Bisin When Cops Become the Gangsters Joseph D. McNamara --MIND AND BODY-- Bovine Bioterrorism and the Perfect Pathogen: Mad Cow Disease Is Sweeping the World--Including the US Gabe Kirchheimer Fear of a Vegan Planet Mickey Z. Mental Illness: Psychiatry's Phlogiston Thomas Szasz Psychiatric Drugging of Children for Behavioral Control Peter Breggin, M.D. --SOCIAL DISTORTION-- Myths About Youth Mike Males The Whole Truth About Domestic Violence Philip W. Cook Postcards From the Planet of the Freaks Lucy Gwin Toxic TV Syndrome Kalle Lasn Treatment or Jail: Is This Really a Choice? Preston Peet Pornography Wendy McElroy Prostitution Wendy McElroy Two's Too Tough Tristan Taormino How to Rid the World of Good Nick Mamatas Why Women Need Freedom From Religion Annie Laurie Gaylor --NOT ON THE NIGHTLY NEWS-- Fission Stories: Nuclear Power's Secrets David Lochbaum "Call It Off!": New Revelations About Waco David T. Hardy The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103: Case Not Closed William Blum Leaders Against the Drug War Russ Kick Votescam 2000 Jonathan Vankin Untouchables in the Twenty-first Century: The Plight of Dalits in India Dr. K. Jamanadas Viva Kadaffi! Robert Sterling Will This Be the Chinese Century? Howard Bloom and Diane Starr Petryk-Bloom Scenes From a Secret War: The Importance of Peru's Complicity in Plan Colombia and How It Has Been Assured Peter Gorman --911 AND BEYOND-- The Accidental Operative: Former CIA Director's Afghan Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps Camelia Fard and James Ridgeway A Canticle for Osama Bin Laden Alex Burns Battle Boring: Why Real Security Can't Be Cordoned Off Naomi Klein September 11, 2001: No Surprise Russ Kick --HIDDEN HISTORY-- The Ludlow Massacre Howard Zinn Mushroom Clouds in Paradise: A Brief Historical Overview of the People of Bikini Atoll Jack Niedenthal Some Lessons From the Underground History of American Education John Taylor Gatto [APPENDICES] Appendix A: More Secrets and Lies Russ Kick Short takes on 35 subjects. Includes: "One Nation, Under the Corporation, Ruled by Multimillionaires," "Sara Lee, Serial Killer," "Monsanto: Read and Destroy," "Coca-Killah," "ExxonMobil: Put a Torturer in Your Tank," "Minimum Rage," "Crime Waves Around the World," "West Nile Virus Keeps on Flowin'," "Good News About AIDS Ignored," "Wormwood + Iron = Dead Cancer Cells," "Gulf War Health Problems: Evidence," "Take the Vaccine Challenge!," "World's First Major Study of Pot, Round One," "Hollywood: The Propaganda Machine," "Pedo-priests to Be Tried in Secret Church Tribunals," "Bush Is a Dictator, Says Republican Congressman," "Kissinger Lied About East Timor," "Israel's Spy Ring in the US," "Mining the Moon," "Rainbow Killing," "Exotic Weapons on the Official Record," "Army and CIA Admit They Create Anthrax," "Scary Quotes After the Sept. 11 Attacks," plus little-known info on heart attacks, the plague, Tyson Foods, new votescams, US bombings, civilian deaths in Afghanistan, and the income tax. Appendix B: More Reading Russ Kick A look at 35 nonmainstream books, including hard-edged examinations of Kissinger, Clinton, the IRS, the Federal Reserve, water wars, crimes by clergy, innocent people in prison, medical evidence for natural medicine, sex over 60, antidepressants, guns, Islam, Rwanda, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the National Security Agency, the swastika, Japanese spying, non-voting, and environmentalism, plus exposes of the auto, fast food, and tobacco industries. Includes coverage of a book on serial killers by a serial killer, a US judge's attack on the Drug War, a former police chief's look at police corruption and abuse, and a work of fiction that triggered the arrest of its author (in America). Appendix C: Publisher Information [END MATTER] Contributors Article Histories