Everything Grammar and Style Book: All you need to master the rules of great writing

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Author: Susan Thurman

ISBN-10: 1598694529

ISBN-13: 9781598694529

Category: English Grammar

Good grammar is as critical to a successful personal and professional life as good grooming. Yet many struggle to master the basics. Enter this straightforward and entertaining book, which will teach even the worst grammarphobes how to write crystal-clear emails, professional-sounding letters, or articulate term papers.\ Completely revised and updated, this edition of an Everything bestseller includes:\ \ Steps to mastering difficult punctuation\ Effective revision techniques\ Tips for clear...

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Good grammar enhances the impression you make on people the minute you open your mouth or put pen to paper. If you've struggled to master grammar and style, look no further than this straightforward and entertaining guide. The Everything Grammar and Style Book, 2nd Edition is packed with easy-to-follow guidelines for effective writing, from proper word choice and punctuation to paragraph organization and editing techniques.You'll learn how to write crystal-clear e-mails, professional-sounding letters, articulate term papers, and more. This book shows you how to:Master difficult punctuationRevise until your writing shinesWrite clearly and conciselyCorrect commonly misspelled and misused words Practice your new skills with Checkpoint exercises at the end of each chapter Find the best Web sites for spelling rules, style help, and interactive quizzesThe perfect desk reference, this book has all the ingredients you need to conquer your fear of grammar-and become a great communicator!

Top Ten Reasons for Using this Book     xIntroduction     xiWhat's in a Word?     1Spelling It All Out     2Making More: Forming Plurals of Nouns     3So Many Rules!     5Unlocking the Secrets of Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes     9Checkpoint     12Cracking the Code of Punctuation     13Avoiding the Problem of Miscommunication     14The End of the Road     15May I Quote You on That?     18Quotes Within Quotes: Single Quotation Marks     22Checkpoint     23More Fun with Punctuation     25The Dreaded Apostrophe     26Cutting It Short: Contractions     26What's Mine Is Yours: Possession     27Joint Versus Individual Possession     30A Rare Occasion: Using an Apostrophe to Form a Plural     30Commendable Comma Comments     31Using Commas with Compound Sentences     33Checkpoint     38Punctuation Pairs     39Cleansing Your Colon     40The Serviceable Semicolon     41The Power to Divide and Unite: The Hyphen     44May I Interrupt? The Dash     47The Inside Scoop: Parentheses     48Making a Rare Appearance: Square Brackets     50Checkpoint     52Wrapping It All Up     53Getting Fancy: Italics and Underlining     54Angling for Some Attention: Angle Brackets     58What You're Not Saying...Ellipsis Points     59Slash It All! The Slash/Virgule/Solidus     60Checkpoint     61Parts of Speech-the Big Eight     63Step Right Up and Name Your Noun     64Pithy Pronouncements on Pronouns     65Three Little Questions for Adjectives     68Show Me the Action (and the Being): Verbs     69Admirable Advice about Adverbs     73What's Your Position on Prepositions?     74Who Put the Junction in Conjunction?     76Heavens to Betsy! and Other Interjections     77Checkpoint     78More Pieces of the Puzzle     79Here Come the Hybrids: Verbals     80The Starring Roles: Subject and Predicate     84Making It Complete: Complements     86Checkpoint     90Let's Have a Few Words      93Finding Fundamental Phrases     94Bringing It Up a Notch: Clauses     96Putting It All Together: Constructing Sentences     101Keeping the Harmony: Subject-Verb Agreement     104Checkpoint     111Pertinent Points about Pesky Pronouns     113Introducing the Pronoun     114The Numbers Game: Problems with Agreement     115When in Doubt: Vague Pronoun References     118One, Two, Three: What Person for Me?     122Making a Case for Pronouns     124Who and Whom: A Different Slant     128Checkpoint     131Figuring Out Some Finicky Forms     133Let's Talk Tenses     134Those Irritating Irregular Verbs     137What Kind of Mood Are You In?     143Comparatively Speaking     145Avoiding Double Negatives     148Checkpoint     149Keeping It Coherent     151Manglers of Meaning: Misplaced Modifiers     152Dangling and Squinting Modifiers     154Parallelism in Writing     155Logically Speaking     162Checkpoint      168Shaping Strong Sentences     169A Few Words about Fragments     170Reining In Run-on Sentences     175Transitional Words and Phrases     180Classifying the Connectors     182The Biggest Bugbears     184Checkpoint     200In Plain English, Please     201Steering Clear of Cliches     202No Need to Repeat Yourself!     204When Less Is More     207Close, but No Cigar: Misused Phrases     208Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Whose Mistakes Are Worst of All?     210Checkpoint     215Putting Pen to Paper     217Practical and Profitable Preliminaries     218Out in the Open: The Outline     223Delineating the Details of Your First Draft     226Relax and Leave Your Writing Alone-For Now     231Checkpoint     232The Final Dress Rehearsal     233Rereading, Revising, and Rewriting     234The Proof Is in the Reading     241When Really Bad Is Really Good     243Checkpoint     246Maximizing Your Means of Expression     247Short Takes      248Business and Technical Writing     253If X, Then Y: The Cause-and-Effect Essay     254Learning to Look Beyond the Obvious     255The Abridged Version: The Precis     256The Process Paper     257Digging Up the Details: The Research Paper     258Checkpoint     260Getting Personal     261Taking a Stand: The Argument Essay     262Advancing an Assessment: The Critical Analysis     263Dear Diary: The Journal     264Painting Word Pictures: The Essay of Description     265The Autobiographical Narrative     266An Opportune Occasion to Offer an Opinion     267Egads! E-mail     268Checkpoint     271Literary Terms You Need to Know     273Echoing Your English Teachers: The Basics     274Beyond the Basics     275In Praise of Prose     277Praising Points of Poetry     280Poetry-The Beat and the Feet     281Oh! The Drama of It All!     283Checkpoint     284Latin-Alive and Kicking!     285It's Everywhere! Everyday Latin     286Ex Obscuritate in Lucem (From Ignorance to Learning)     288Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat (Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse)     290Feeling a Little Under the Weather? Latin in Medicine     293Sacred Settings: Latin in Church     294Checkpoint     296Foreign Languages in Everyday American English     297Neighbors to the South: Spanish     298The French Connection     300Achtung!-Paying Attention to German     302For the Italian in All of Us     304Come Together Right Now: Other Languages     306Checkpoint     308999 of the Most Commonly Misspelled Words     309Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes     317Suggested Substitutes for Wordy Phrases     323Checkpoint Answers     327Index     331