Essentials of Christian Theology

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Author: William C. Placher

ISBN-10: 0664223958

ISBN-13: 9780664223953

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

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Presenting two dialoguing essays on each of nine foremost theological questions, William Placher has provided an introductory reader in theology, giving a discussion of the history and current state of each doctrinal issue, he allows the essays to explore and raise questions about their key elements - and the contemporary issues confronting them.

ContributorsAcknowledgmentsWhy Bother with Theology? An Introduction11How Do We Know What to Believe? Revelation and Authority11Stanley J. Grenz20Noel Leo Erskine332What Do We Mean by "God"? The Doctrine of God51John B. Cobb, Jr.60David S. Cunningham763Is God in Charge? Creation and Providence93Sallie McFague101Kathryn Tanner1164What's Wrong with Us? Human Nature and Human Sin133Serene Jones141Clark M. Williamson1585How Does Jesus Make a Difference? The Person and Work of Jesus Christ183Robert W. Jenson191Leanne Van Dyk2056Why Bother with Church? The Church and Its Worship221Hughes Oliphant Old229Letty M. Russell2417How Should We Live? the Christian Life257Ellen T. Charry264Michael Battle2808What about Them? Christians and Non-Christians297Paul E. Knitter302J. A. DiNoia, O.P.3189Where Are We Going? Eschatology327Richard J. Mouw335Ted Peters347A Basic Chronology366Christian Denominations367Glossary of Names and Terms369Notes387Index415