Equality and Liberty in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law

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Author: Jeffrey M Shaman

ISBN-10: 0195334345

ISBN-13: 9780195334340

Category: U.S. Constitution

The rise of the New Judicial Federalism movement in the 1970s marked a sea-change in the history of state constitutional law by shifting the focus of power away from the central government in ways that had not occurred since the Equal Protection Clause was enacted in 1868. With New Judicial Federalism, many states rediscovered that they were empowered to enact their own constitutions and to interpret them as they saw fit, which enabled states to recognize civil rights and liberties beyond...

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The rise of the New Judicial Federalism movement in the 1970s marked a sea-change in the history of state constitutional law by shifting the focus of power away from the central government in ways that had not occurred since the Equal Protection Clause was enacted in 1868. With New Judicial Federalism, many states rediscovered that they were empowered to enact their own constitutions and to interpret them as they saw fit, which enabled states to recognize civil rights and liberties beyond those recognized under the Federal Constitution.Equality and Liberty in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law closely examines the evolution of the rights of liberty and equality under state constitutions from both a historical and jurisprudential perspective. In it, Professor Jeffrey M. Shaman explains that as New Judicial Federalism gained ground, state constitutional law became an important source for the protection of individual rights and liberties. States have since expanded the right of the citizen well beyond the limits of federal law by striking down laws that led to de facto segregation in public schools, discriminated against women, or allocated public benefits inequitably. State courts were the first to recognize a right of intimate association, spurring the U.S. Supreme Court to follow suit. Equality and Liberty in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law is essential reading for anyone interested in this manifestation of law that has developed beyond the purview of national attention and in the resulting evolution of power in U.S. constitutional law.

Preface     xiIntroduction: The New Judicial Federalism     xiiiEquality     1The Federal Model of Equality     8The State Conception of Equality     15Special Privileges or Immunities     28Equal Protection of the Laws     38Conclusion     42Classifications     45Racial Classifications     46Gender Classifications     53Classifications Based on Sexual Orientation     61Classifications Based on Age     70Conclusion     76Rights and Privileges     79Educational Financing     79Economic Rights     86Tax Laws     88Damage Caps     93Allocation of Economic Benefits     96Regulatory Legislation     101Special Entitlements     106Criminal Law     107Disparate Penalties     108Prosecutorial Discretion     113Disparate Treatment of Men and Women     115Juvenile Offenders     116Conclusion     119The Right of Privacy     121The Federal Model of Privacy     125The State Conception of Privacy     136The Right to Be Let Alone     138The Millian Principle     143The Inherent and Unalienable Cornerstone of Liberty     148Penumbrae Redux     153Spatial Privacy: The Home as Sanctuary     155Constitutional Situs and Methodology     158Conclusion     160Family Rights     163Reproductive Freedom     163Public Funding of Abortions     163Abortion Rights of Minors     168Informed Consent and Waiting Periods     171Family Relations     174Parental Rights     174Adoption     176Cohabitation as a Family     181Civil Unions and Marriage     185The Right of Intimate Association     211Sexual Relations Between Consenting Adults (Married or Not)     211Gay and Lesbian Sexual Relations     215Public Health     222Social Morality     224Other State Interests     225Conclusion     226The Right of Bodily Integrity     229The Right to Refuse Medical Treatment and the Right to Die     229The Right to Ingest Food, Beverages, or Other Substances     235Backlash and Advancement     243Table of Cases     255Index     267