English Made Easy

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Author: Mary Margaret Hosler

ISBN-10: 0072938021

ISBN-13: 9780072938029

Category: Business Life & Skills

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English Made Easy, 5/e by Hosler is a text-workbook for use in quarter or semester courses in business English or basic English skills. Fifty-one lessons presented in 12 units cover the essentials of grammar, punctuation, style, capitalization, number usage, word usage, and paragraph development. The user-friendly, four-page format for each lesson consists of two pages of instruction followed by two pages of exercises. New author Mary Margaret Hosler, is a well-known and highly respected postsecondary business educator. She replaces Bernadine Branchaw, who is deceased.

Unit 1: Introduction Lesson 1: Why Study English Again Unit 2: Sentence Structure Lesson 2: The Sentence Lesson 3: Subjects and Verbs Lesson 4: Kinds of Sentences Unit 3: Nouns Lesson 5: Common and Proper Nouns Lesson 6: Concrete, Abstract, Compound, and Collective Nouns Lesson 7: Plural Nouns Lesson 8: Possessive Nouns Unit 4: Pronouns Lesson 9: Antecedents, Number, and Gender Lesson 10: Pronouns and Their "Case" Lesson 11: Selecting the Right Case Lesson 12: Who, Whom, and Other Pronouns Lesson 13: More About Pronouns Unit 5: Verbs Lesson 14: Uses of Verbs Lesson 15: Helping Verbs, Principal Parts of Verbs, and Linking Verbs Lesson 16: Verb Tenses Lesson 17: Regular and Irregular Verbs Lesson 18: To Be and To Have Lesson 19: To Do and To Go Lesson 20: Just Perfect? The Perfect Tenses Lesson 21: Subject and Verb Agreement Lesson 22: Lie and Lay Lesson 23: Sit and Set; Rise and Raise Lesson 24: More Troublesome Verbs Unit 6: Adjectives Lesson 25: Adjectives to Describe, Possess, and Limit Lesson 26: Proper Adjectives and Double Adjectives Lesson 27: Comparing Adjectives Unit 7: Adverbs Lesson 28: Adverbs: The "ly" Words Lesson 29: Comparing Adverbs Lesson 30: Some Troublemakers Lesson 31: More Troublemakers Unit 8: Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections Lesson 32: Prepositions and the Prepositional Phrase Lesson 33: Common Preposition Errors Lesson 34: Conjunctions as Joiners Lesson 35: Common Conjunction Errors Lesson 36: Interjections Unit 9: Clauses and Phrases Lesson 37: Phrases Lesson 38: Clauses Lesson 39: Misplaced Phrases and Clauses; Dangling Participles Lesson 40: Faulty Parallelism Unit 10: Punctuation Lesson 41: Punctuation Marks: Period, Question Mark, Exclamation Point, and Hyphen Lesson 42: Commas: Clauses, Series, and Introductory Elements Lesson 43: Commas: Essential and Non-Essential Elements Lesson 44: Commas: Other Uses Lesson 45: The Semicolon and the Colon Lesson 46: Dashes, Parentheses, and Brackets Lesson 47: Quotation Marks, Underscores, and Apostrophes Unit 11: Words Lesson 48: Capitals Lesson 49: Numbers Lesson 50: Word Usage Unit 12: Paragraphs Lesson 51: Creating Paragraphs Answers to Lesson Checkups Appendix A: List of Common Prepositions Appendix B: Conjugation of Verb To Be Appendix C: Forms of Common Irregular Verbs