Engineering Vibrations

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Author: William J. Bottega

ISBN-10: 0849334209

ISBN-13: 9780849334207

Category: Dynamics - General & Miscellaneous

A resource on vibration that imparts a deep physical as well as mathematical understanding is critical to students who first encounter the subject. Books with an overly mathematical focus can leave them without a grasp of the underlying physics and mechanics. Those that attempt to be reader-friendly often oversimplify the mathematics and mechanics, leaving them with a lack of depth and unprepared for advanced work and complex problems. With a carefully balanced approach, Engineering...

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A resource on vibration that imparts a deep physical as well as mathematical understanding is critical to students who first encounter the subject. Books with an overly mathematical focus can leave them without a grasp of the underlying physics and mechanics. Those that attempt to be reader-friendly often oversimplify the mathematics and mechanics, leaving them with a lack of depth and unprepared for advanced work and complex problems. With a carefully balanced approach, Engineering Vibrations provides a systematic and unified treatment of mechanical and structural vibrations along with rigorous yet approachable mathematical development. This text advances abstract concepts from first principles. The author weaves together the physical interpretation and fundamental principles with applied problem solving and uses illustrative examples and case studies to reinforce the concepts, encourage effective interpretation of results, and assist in learning the techniques and procedures. Accompanied by more than 500 two- and three-dimensional drawings, the book offers tabulated results of case studies and a table of operators of various one-dimensional continua. It also contains problem-solving flowcharts for solving forced vibration problems for discrete and continuous systems. For each class of system, it explores the fundamental dynamics and studies free and forced vibrations under various conditions. Buildinga solid understanding of the principles and bases for mechanical and structural vibration, Engineering Vibrations offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject of vibrations and progresses systematically to advanced topics. Current Engineering Practice A tremendous amount of experience is distilled in this book on engineering vibrations. I am deeply impressed by the brilliance of selection and organization of topics and chapter, technical format and clear and instructive styles, which all result from a rigorous understanding of the need for a book of this scope. The book certainly should be considered an important contribution to the study of engineering vibrations as understandably and appropriately visualized by the author... . There is little doubt that each chapter is well and expertly written and well presented. Anyone with serious interest in the study of mechanical and structural vibrations will find this book almost a 'must have'.

PRELIMINARIESDegrees of FreedomEquivalent Systems    Extension/Contraction of Elastic Rods    Bending of Elastic Beams    Torsion of Elastic Rods    Floating Bodies    The Viscous Damper    Aero/Hydrodynamic Damping (Drag)Springs Connected in Parallel and in Series    Springs in Parallel    Springs in SeriesA Brief Review of Complex NumbersA Review of Elementary Dynamics    Kinematics of Particles    Kinetics of a Single Particle    Dynamics of Particle Systems    Kinematics of Rigid Bodies    (Planar) Kinetics of Rigid BodiesConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFREE VIBRATION OF SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMSFree Vibration of Undamped Systems    Governing Equation and System Response    The Effect of Gravity    Work and Energy    The Simple PendulumFree Vibration of Systems with Viscous Damping    Equation of Motion and General System Response    Underdamped Systems    Logarithmic Decrement    Overdamped Systems    Critically Damped SystemsCoulomb (Dry Friction) Damping    Stick-Slip Condition    System ResponseConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFORCED VIBRATION OF SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS - 1: PERIODIC EXCITATIONStandard Form of the Equation of MotionSuperpositionHarmonic Forcing    Formulation    Steady State Response of Undamped Systems    Steady State Response of Systems with Viscous Damping    Force Transmission and Vibration IsolationStructural Damping    Linear Hereditary Materials    Steady State Response of Linear Hereditary Materials    Steady State Response of Single Degree of Freedom SystemsSelected Applications    Harmonic Motion of the Support    Unbalanced Motor    Synchronous Whirling of Rotating ShaftsResponse to General Periodic Loading    General Periodic Excitation    Steady State ResponseConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFORCED VIBRATION OF SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMS - 2: NONPERIODIC EXCITATIONTwo Generalized Functions    The Dirac Delta Function (Unit Impulse)    The Heaviside Step Function (Unit Step)    Relation Between the Unit Step and the Unit ImpulseImpulse Response    Impulsive and Nonimpulsive Forces    Response to an Applied ImpulseResponse to Arbitrary ExcitationResponse to Step LoadingResponse to Ramp LoadingTransient Response by Superposition    The Rectangular Pulse    Linear Transition to Constant Load LevelShock SpectraConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsOPERATIONAL METHODSThe Laplace Transform    Laplace Transforms of Basic Functions    Shifting Theorem    Laplace Transforms of the Derivatives of Functions    ConvolutionFree VibrationsForced Vibrations    The Governing Equations    Steady State Response    Transient ResponseConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsDYNAMICS OF MULTI-DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMSNewtonian Mechanics of Discrete Systems    Mass-Spring Systems    The Double Pendulum    Two-Dimensional Motion of a Rigid FrameLagrange's Equations    Virtual Work    The Canonical Equations    Implementation    The Rayleigh Dissipation FunctionSymmetry of the System Matrices    The Stiffness Matrix    The Mass Matrix    The Damping MatrixConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFREE VIBRATION OF MULTI-DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMSThe General Free Vibration Problem and Its SolutionUnrestrained SystemsProperties of Modal Vectors    The Scalar Product    Orthogonality    NormalizationSystems with Viscous Damping    System Response    State Space RepresentationEvaluation of Amplitudes and Phase Angles    Undamped Systems    Systems with General Viscous DampingConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFORCED VIBRATION OF MULTI-DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEMSIntroduction    Steady State Response to Harmonic Excitation    The Simple Vibration AbsorberModal Coordinates    Principal Coordinates    Coordinate Transformations    Modal CoordinatesGeneral Motion in Terms of the Natural Modes    Linear Independence of the Set of Modal Vectors    Modal ExpansionDecomposition of the Forced Vibration ProblemSolution of Forced Vibration ProblemsMode IsolationRayleigh DampingSystems with General Viscous Damping    Steady State Response to Harmonic Excitation    Eigenvector Expansion    Decomposition of the Forced Vibration Problem    Solution of Forced Vibration ProblemsConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsDYNAMICS OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONTINUAMathematical Description of 1-D Continua    Correspondence Between Discrete and Continuous Systems    The Scalar Product and OrthogonalityCharacterization of Local Deformation    Relative Extension of a Material Line Element    DistortionLongitudinal Motion of Elastic RodsTorsional Motion of Elastic RodsTransverse Motion of Strings and CablesTransverse Motion of Elastic Beams    Kinematical and Constitutive Relations    Kinetics    Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory    Rayleigh Beam Theory    Timoshenko Beam TheoryGeometrically Nonlinear Beam TheoryTranslating 1-D Continua    Kinematics of a Material Particle    KineticsConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFREE VIBRATION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONTINUAThe General Free Vibration ProblemFree Vibration of Uniform Second Order Systems    The General Free Vibration Problem and Its Solution    Longitudinal Vibration of Elastic Rods    Torsional Vibration of Elastic Rods    Transverse Vibration of Strings and CablesFree Vibration of Euler-Bernoulli BeamsFree Vibration of Euler-Bernoulli Beam-ColumnsFree Vibration of Rayleigh BeamsFree Vibration of Timoshenko BeamsNormalization of the Modal FunctionsOrthogonality of the Modal Functions    Systems Whose Mass Operators Are Scalar Functions    Second Order Systems    Euler-Bernoulli Beams and Beam-Columns    Rayleigh Beams    Timoshenko BeamsEvaluation of Amplitudes and Phase Angles    Systems Possessing a Single Scalar Mass Operator    Rayleigh Beams    Timoshenko BeamsConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsFORCED VIBRATION OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONTINUAModal Expansion    Linear Independence of the Modal Functions    Generalized Fourier SeriesDecomposition of the Forced Vibration ProblemSolution of Forced Vibration Problems    Axially Loaded Elastic Rods    Torsion of Elastic Rods    Strings and Cables    Euler-Bernoulli Beams    Rayleigh Beams    Timoshenko BeamsConcluding RemarksBibliographyProblemsINDEX

\ Current Engineering PracticeA tremendous amount of experience is distilled in this book on engineering vibrations. I am deeply impressed by the brilliance of selection and organization of topics and chapter, technical format and clear and instructive styles, which all result from a rigorous understanding of the need for a book of this scope. The book certainly should be considered an important contribution to the study of engineering vibrations as understandably and appropriately visualized by the author... . There is little doubt that each chapter is well and expertly written and well presented. Anyone with serious interest in the study of mechanical and structural vibrations will find this book almost a 'must have'.\ \