Engineering Practical Rope Rescue Systems

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Author: Mike Brown

ISBN-10: 0766801977

ISBN-13: 9780766801974

Category: Industrial Health & Safety

A comprehensive look at a wide variety of rope rescue systems is presented in this text. Written by an experienced rope rescue professional, it's a practical and entertaining resource for rope rescuers from basic through advanced levels. Exciting stories recreate real situations for the student, who then applies problem-solving principles described in the text. Team issues - integrity, development, and efficiency - are featured and build a superior survival profile for students who adopt...

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PART ONE- TEAM EARTH: Forward. Acknowledgements. Introduction. Team Concepts. Equipment and System Components. PART TWO- FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, USING GRAVITY AS AN ENGINE: Rigging for Rappelling. Rappelling. Personal Emergency Escape Rope Systems (PEERS). Rigging and Operation of Lowering Systems. PART THREE- FROM BOTTOM TO TOP, USING BRAINS AND MUSCLE AS AN ENGINE: Rigging and Operation of Raising Systems. Ascending. Climbing Above the Anchor for Patient Access. Patient Management. PART 4- FILLING THE PLANE, REACHING PLACES OUTSIDEOF THE VERTICAL ROPE SYSTEM: Tensioned Rope Systems. Other Methods to Achieve Strategical Objectives. The Future.