Energy and Society: An Introduction

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Author: Harold Schobert

ISBN-10: 1560327677

ISBN-13: 9781560327677

Category: Power Resources

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Guides the reader through the various energy sources available to humans and how we implement them. The book is intended for readers who do not have a science and technology background; it serves as an introduction to work, energy and efficiency. Examples range from human's earliest work endeavors such as building pyramids to the inspiration and development of Henry Ford's first automobile up through alternative energy sources. Also, among the many topics covered are: energy, work, and power; combustion for home comfort; the steam engine; how electricity is generated; boilers and heat transfer; cars and their impact; atoms and atomic energy; Three Mile Island and Chernobyl; Acid rain; smog; nuclear fusion; the greenhouse effect; and much, much more.

1Introduction12Energy, Work, and Power93Human Energy174The Energy Balance335Fire396Firewood497Combustion for Home Comfort658Waterwheels819Wind Energy10110The Steam Engine11311Heat and Thermal Efficiency12912An Introduction to Electricity15313How Electricity is Generated16914Impacts of Electricity on Society18115Electricity from Falling Water19516Electricity from Steam21117Boilers and Heat Transfer22918Electricity from Coal24119Energy for Transportation25720Petroleum and its Products28121Gasoline29722Cars and their Impact31123Jet Engines and Jet Fuel32724Diesel Engines and Diesel Fuel34325Atoms and 'Atomic' Energy35526Radioactivity, Fission, and Chain Reactions36727Nuclear Power Plants38728The Nuclear Controversy40329Energy and the Environment42730Acid Rain44131Vehicle Emissions and Emissionless Vehicles46332The Greenhouse Effect47733Fossil Energy: Reserves, Resources, and Geopolitics50134Renewable Energy from Biomass53135Electricity from Wind56536Energy from the Sun58137Nuclear Fusion: Bringing the Sun to Earth605Glossary619Bibliography: Resources for Learning More633Index637