Ending Racial Preferences: The Michigan Story

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Author: Carol M. Allen

ISBN-10: 0739124331

ISBN-13: 9780739124338

Category: Civil Rights - Discrimination

In 2006, Michigan voters banned affirmative action preferences in public contracting, education, and employment. The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) vote was preceded by years of campaigning, legal maneuvers, media coverage, and public debate. Ending Racial Preferences: The Michigan Story relates what happened from the vantage point of Toward A Fair Michigan (TAFM), a nonprofit organization that provided a civic forum for the discussion of preferences. The book offers a timely "inside...

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Ending Racial Preferences: The Michigan Story provides an in-depth account of the 2006 Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, told from the perspective of Toward A Fair Michigan, a non-partisan educational organization. The book also analyzes the campaigning and impact of similar initiatives in California, Florida, Washington, and the city of Houston.

Foreword Barbara J. Grutter Grutter, Barbara J.1 What Came Before 12 Creating a Fair Michigan - Part I: The Ballot Petition Process 473 Creating a Fair Michigan - Part II: The Election Campaigns 1014 The Debates: A Sample Dialogue 1555 "Ask the Experts": Questions from the Debates 1796 What Followed? 2557 Moving from Diversity to Inclusion: The Way Forward William B. Allen Allen, William B. 363App. A Debates Sponsored by Toward A Fair Michigan 385App. B Audience Feedback: TAFM Debates 387App. C Brief of Amici Curiae: William B. Allen and Toward A Fair Michigan 391Bibliography 399Index 409

\ Terence J. PellEnding Racial Preferences: The Michigan Story tells how determined citizens mobilized to end racial preferences despite the opposition of every civic and political institution in the state. The success of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative vindicates Allen’s belief in the ability of democratic institutions to withstand the pressures of modern interest group politics.\ \ \ \ \ Bill BallengerThis book tells one of the great 'David vs. Goliath' stories in modern Michigan politics. The odds that Towards a Fair Michigan had to overcome were truly overwhelming; no matter where you stand on Affirmative Action, you will get a real education from reading how this small, tightly-organized group managed to win.\ \ \ Carl CohenTwo virtues give this book extraordinary value. It provides a wealth of accurate and little-known detail about the origin and passage of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative—an authoritative account that will never be matched. It also provides an inspiring model for the working of democracy. Ordinary citizens may collectively, as Aristotle wrote and Carol Allen shows, achieve surpassing wisdom “when they meet together.”\ \ \ \ \ Tom BrayCarol Allen has written a scholarly yet absorbing account of the scorching battle to end Michigan's use of race-based preferences in university admissions, hiring and contracting, including her own efforts to inject a degree of civility and rationality into the campaign. But she sees clearly that the success of the ballot measure in Michigan is only a beginning: she argues persuasively for substituting a vision of "inclusiveness" for policies based on increasingly narrow-minded notions of multiculturalism and diversity.\ \