Encyclopedia of Celtic Myth and Legend

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Author: John Matthews

ISBN-10: 1592283020

ISBN-13: 9781592283026

Category: Folklore & Mythology

In The Encyclopaedia of Ceetic Myth and Legend, authors John and Caitlin Matthews have compiled one of the most comprehensive collections of Celtic lore ever, drawing from every known source from the Celts' well-known classics, to neglected sources and forgotten archives. Their fresh translations and lucid commentaries make this an essential text for students, researchers, and anyone who has ever felt drawn to the Celtic spirit. The tales and poems are arranged thematically in keeping with...

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A comprehensive collection of the Celts' wise and entertaining stories.

AcknowledgmentsviiiIntroduction: The Bright Knowledge1Invasions1.Selections from The Book of Invasions (Lebor Gabala Erenn)112.The First Battle of Moytura (Cath Mag Tuiread Cong)173.The Second Battle of Moytura (Cath Mag Tuiread)44Conceptions and Births4.The Conception of Conchobor (Compert Conchobor)675.The Birth of Cormac (Compert Cormaic mac Airt)726.The Birth of Noidiu Nae-Mbreathach (Compert Noidiu)77Cattle Raids7.The Cattle Raid of Flidais (Tain Bo Flidais)838.The Morrigan's Cow-Raid (Tain Bo Regamma)879.The Cattle Raid of Cooley (Tain Bo Cuailgne)91Voyages10.The Voyage of Bran, son of Febal (Imram Brainn mac Febal)11311.The Voyage of Mael Duin (Imram Mael Duin)123Hero Tales12.The Boyhood Deeds of Cu Chulainn (Compert Con Cu Chulainn)15313.Six Tales of Mongan166Conception of Mongan (Compert Mongan)The Pursuit of Dubh-Lacha of the White Arms (Toruigheacht (Duibhe Lacha Laimh-ghile)The Death of Fothad Airgdech (Aided Fothaid Airgdig)The Alms of Mongan (Scel Mongan)The Telling of Mongan's Frenzy (Tucait Baile Mongan)The Curse upon Mongan's Lineage (from the Yellow Book of Lecan)Dreams and Visions14.The Dream of Oengus (Aislinge Oenguso)18915.The Sick-Bed of Cu Chulainn (Serglige Con Cu Chulainn)195Battles16.The Battle of Findchorad (Cath Findchorad)22117.The Battle of Mag Mucrama (Cath Maige Mucrama)230Wisdom and Lore18.Fingen's Nightwatch (Airne Fingein)24519.Selections from Cormac's Glossary (Sanas Cormaic)256Sieges, Burnings and Curses20.The Destruction of Dind Rig (Orgain Denna Rig)27521.The Siege of Howth (Talland Etair)28122.The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel (Togail Bruidne da Derga)28923.The Debility of the Ulstermen (Ces Noinden Ulad)325Love and Longing24.The Story of Baile of the Clear Voice (Scel Baili Binnberlaig)33125.Trystan and Essyllt (Ystori Trystan)33426.The Noble Youth (Y Melwas)340Wooings27.The Wooing of Emer (Tochmarc Emer)34528.Wooing of Luaine and the Death of Athirne (Tochmarc Luaine agus Aidedh Aithairne Andso)369Adventures29.The Adventure of Eachdach's Sons (Echtra mac nEchach Muigmedoin)37930.The Adventures of Connla (Echtra Connla)385Feasts and Visitations31.Bricriu's Feast (Fled Bricriu)39132.The Excuse of Guile's Daughter (Ceasacht Inghine Guile)426Exiles33.The Exile of Conall Corc (Longes Chonaill Corc)43734.The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu (Longes mac nUislenn)444Deaths35.The Death of Conchobar mac Nessa (Aided Conchobar meic Nessa)45736.The Death of Conn Cetchathach (Aided Conn Cetchathach)46137.The Death of Cu Chulainn (Brislech mor Maige Muirthemne)468AppendixThe Story List476Glossary484Bibliography494Thematic Index500