Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dynamic Performance

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Author: Mulukutla S. Sarma

ISBN-10: 0534938434

ISBN-13: 9780534938437

Category: Mechanical Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. A Review of Phasor Diagrams 2. Three-Phase Circuits 3. The Magnetic Aspects 4. Transformers 5. Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 6. Machine Windings PART II: STEADY-SATE THEORY AND PERFORMANCE 7. Induction Machines 8. Synchronous Machines 9. Direct-Current Machines PART III: TRANSIENTS AND DYNAMICS 10. Transients and Dynamics of AC Machines 11. Direct-Current Machine Dynamics 12. Power Semiconductor-Controlled Drives APPENDIXES: A. UNITS, CONSTANTS, AND CONVERSIONS FACTORS FOR THE SI SYSTEM / B. SPECIAL MACHINES / ANSWER TO ODD-NUMBERED PROBLEMS / INDEX