Election Law: Cases and Materials: Third Edition (Law Casebook Series)

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Author: Daniel Hays Lowenstein

ISBN-10: 1594600813

ISBN-13: 9781594600814

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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Ch. 1Introductory readings3Ch. 2The right to vote and its exercise29Ch. 3Voting and representation71Ch. 4Districting criteria141Ch. 5Minority vote dilution153Ch. 6Racial gerrymandering245Ch. 7Partisan gerrymandering317Ch. 8Ballot propositions361Ch. 9Major political parties439Ch. 10Third parties and independent candidates533Ch. 11Campaigns581Ch. 12Incumbency605Ch. 13Bribery663Ch. 14Introductory readings on campaign finance717Ch. 15The Buckley framework761Ch. 16After Buckley : who may be regulated, and for what reasons?797Ch. 17The new deference861Ch. 18Public financing957Ch. 19Campaign finance disclosure989