Election Law: Cases and Materials

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Author: Daniel Hays Lowenstein

ISBN-10: 1594605424

ISBN-13: 9781594605420

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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With the addition of a new co-author, Daniel P. Tokaji, the new edition will cover developments through the Supreme Court's current term ending in June 2008. The authors have added a new chapter on election administration, which will include coverage of controversies over voter identification laws, including the Crawford case currently before the Supreme Court. The new edition also will cover the recent renewal of expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act and constitutional challenges to that renewal. Like its predecessor, Election Law, Fourth Edition will cover the right to vote and voter turnout, legislative districting, the Voting Rights Act and the racial gerrymandering cause of action, ballot propositions, constitutional rights and obligations of political parties, bribery, regulation of campaign speech, campaign finance, and term limits.

Introduction to the Second EditionIntroduction to the First EditionCopyright AcknowledgmentsCh. 1Introductory Readings1Ch. 2The Right to Vote and Its Exercise25Ch. 3Election Administration: The Case of Florida 200065Ch. 4Voting and Representation105Ch. 5Legislative Districting163Ch. 6Minority Vote Dilution201Ch. 7Racial Gerrymandering283Ch. 8Ballot Propositions355Ch. 9Major Political Parties429Ch. 10Third Parties and Independent Candidates521Ch. 11Campaigns569Ch. 12Incumbency593Ch. 13Bribery651Ch. 14Introductory Readings on Campaign Finance705Ch. 15Contribution and Expenditure Limits, Round 1747Ch. 16Money and Ballot Propositions783Ch. 17Targeted Regulations819Ch. 18Parties, Soft Money, and Issue Advocacy881