Elbridge Gerry's Salamander: The Electoral Consequences of the Reapportionment Revolution

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Author: Gary W. Cox

ISBN-10: 0521001544

ISBN-13: 9780521001540

Category: United States History - 20th Century - 1945 to 2000

The Supreme Court's reapportionment decisions, beginning with Baker v. Carr in 1962, had far more than jurisprudential consequences. They sparked a massive wave of extraordinary redistricting in the mid-1960s. Both state legislative and congressional districts were redrawn more comprehensively—by far—than at any previous time in our nation's history. Moreover, they changed what would legally happen should a state government fail to enact a new districting plan when one was legally required....

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The Supreme Court's reapportionment decisions sparked a wave of extraordinary redistricting in the mid-1960s.

List of Tables and FiguresPrefacePt. IIntroduction1Introduction32The Reapportionment Revolution12Pt. IIDemocrats and Republicans3A Model of Congressional Redistricting in the United States314The Case of the Disappearing Bias515The Role of the Courts in the 1960s Redistricting Process666Bias, Responsiveness, and the Courts877Redistricting's Differing Impact on Democratic and Republican Incumbents106Pt. IIIIncumbents and Challengers8The Growth of the Incumbency Advantage1279Candidate Entry Decisions and the Incumbency Advantage14010Redistricting and Electoral Coordination16211Redistricting, the Probability of Securing a Majority, and Entry17212Reassessing the Incumbency Advantage194Pt. IVConclusion13Final Thoughts209References219Author Index229Subject Index231