Effective Consumer Complaining: Win - Don't Whine

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Author: Ola Kaufman

ISBN-10: 0738803782

ISBN-13: 9780738803784

Category: Customer Service

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Introduction9Section 1Buying and Selling-BewareYou Didn't Order it--Who Pays for It?15Advertising Price vs Real Price18Bait and Switch Schemes20Media False Advertising22"I Can Get It for You Wholesale!"25"Hello" Telemarketing is Calling You28Rules for Buying by Phone or Mail30Beware the Door-To-Door Approach33The Multibillion Funeral Industry Waits for Each of Us35Getting off Mailing Lists39Contest Winners--Oh Yeah!44Work-At-Home Schemes48Energy Savers--True or False?51Coupons--Savings or Trouble?53When is A Charity Not A Charity?56Section 2Protecting Yourself and OthersHey! What's This Extra Expense Tucked in Here?63Putting Everything into One Humongous Debt66How to Fight A Computer68Those Dreaded Collection Agencies71Credit Cards--Good or Bad?74Is It A Home or A Money Pit?79Specific Home Improvements82Dry Cleaning Woes88Ditto for Carpet Cleaning90Moving Day Headaches91Your Right to Buy or Rent95900 Numbers--Fact, Fun or Fraud?99Investment Swindlers on the Prowl102Protecting Your Social Security Number107Life Insurance Scams110Living Trust Scams114Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse116Banks--Friends or Enemies120Finding an Honest Financial Advisor125Section 3Self-Improvement...CostlyNo More 9 to 5131Want to be A Star? Or A Model?134Keeping the "Bod" in Shape137Lose Weight Along with Your Money140Don't Be A Dancing Fool142My Hair Looks Like the Cookie Monster!144Climbing the Education Ladder146Man's Best Friend--But Not on My Lawn!148Love Thy Neighbor--Impossible!150When Restaurants Become Expensive Suffering154Ruined Vacations158Child Care--Avoiding the Horrors170What Have You Invented Lately?173Check the Date on Food Purchases178City Water VS Home Treatment Unit180Nobody Told Me!183Ten Quickies186Section 4America's Love/Hate...CarsSo You Bought A Lemon191Paying for Repairs Never Made196Automobile Repair Scares198Phoney Car Accidents and Injuries201To Lease or Not to Lease209Ripped Off by Neglect--Auto Insurance211Contract Manipulations214Potpourri of Advice for Car Owners217"They Killed My Car!"220Section 5The Path of Legal ActionA Trip Through Small Claims Court229The Ins and Outs of Arbitration246Section 6Resource DirectorySearching for Vital Records--Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce253Federal Information Centers and Agencies264Federal Trade Commission, Regional Offices266National Consumer Organizations268More Federal Agencies Offering Help273General Information277Interesting to Know278Comprehensive Sample Letter279Why I Felt Compelled to Write This Book281