Eats, Shites and Leaves: Crap English and How to Use It

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Author: A. Parody

ISBN-10: 1843172747

ISBN-13: 9781843172741

Category: English language -> Errors of usage -> Humor

Here is the long-awaited antidote to those pedants out there who insist on pointing out every single misuse of both written and spoken English. The English language is an ever-changing and complex thing, and for every English language "stickler" who never misspeaks there is somebody who is bamboozled and befuddled by grammatical trapdoors, puzzled by punctuation, and who spells words with diabolical inaccuracy. Featuring highlights such as ambiguous ads...

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Here is the long-awaited antidote to those pedants out there who insist on pointing out every single misuse of both written and spoken English. The English language is an ever-changing and complex thing, and for every English language "stickler" who never misspeaks there is somebody who is bamboozled and befuddled by grammatical trapdoors, puzzled by punctuation, and who spells words with diabolical inaccuracy. Featuring highlights such as ambiguous ads (Why not have the kids shot for Easter, or have a family portrait taken?), dangling modifiers (She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December.), and senseless statements (With half the race gone, there is half the race still to go.), this humorous guide brings to light the prevalence of absent apostrophes, ghastly grammar, suspect sentences, rambling repetitiveness, insane instructions, and quirky quotations in society today.