Earning Money

from $0.00

Author: Patricia J. Murphy

ISBN-10: 0822521490

ISBN-13: 9780822521495

Category: Business & Careers

Did you know that in A.D. 806 the Chinese printed the world's first paper money? Or that you can fold a dollar bill 4,000 times before it tears? Looking at a variety of ways to earn money—allowances, bake sales, lemonade stands, babysitting, or mowing lawns—this informative book gives readers tips and ideas on how to earn money on their own.

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Did you know that in A.D. 806 the Chinese printed the world's first paper money? Or that you can fold a dollar bill 4,000 times before it tears? Looking at a variety of ways to earn money—allowances, bake sales, lemonade stands, babysitting, or mowing lawns—this informative book gives readers tips and ideas on how to earn money on their own.