Early Broadway Sheet Music: A Comprehensive Listing of Published Music from Broadway and Other Stage Shows, 1843-1918

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Author: Donald J. Stubblebine

ISBN-10: 0786447052

ISBN-13: 9780786447053

Category: General & Miscellaneous

This work, a companion to the author's Broadway Sheet Music: A Comprehensive Listing of Published Music from Broadway and Other Stage Shows, 1918 through 1993 (McFarland 1996), provides information about all sheet music published (1843-1918) from all Broadway productions—plus music from local shows, minstrel shows, night club acts, vaudeville acts, touring companies, and shows on the road that never made it to Broadway—and all the major musicals from Chicago.

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This work, a companion to Broadway Sheet Music: A Comprehensive Listing of Published Music from Broadway and Other Stage Shows, 1918 through 1993 (1996, $75), provides information about sheet music published over the 75-year period from June 1, 1843, to May 31, 1918—the early days of modern American theatre. It covers all sheet music published from all Broadway productions—plus music from local shows, minstrel shows, night club acts, vaudeville acts, touring companies, and shows on the road that never made it to Broadway. Also included are all the major musicals from Chicago, which rivaled Broadway in original productions during that period. Each piece of sheet music has been assigned a number by the author, and the following information is given: production title (as listed on sheet music cover), year the production officially opened or tour began, name of the theatre (applicable only to New York productions), number of performances (applicable only to New York productions), performers, song titles, composer and lyricist, original publisher of each song, and cover description. Also included are comments from the author. New York Sheet Music Society ...this outstanding reference book belongs in the library of every serious student of musical theatre...essential...

\ Classic ImagesEssential...some of the best references for songs and songwriters available...rare information...I would urge film music enthusiasts to get these...a fantastic amount of musical knowledge can be culled from these...filled with useful data\ \ \ \ \ New York Sheet Music SocietyThis outstanding reference book belongs in the library of every serious student of musical theatre...essential\ \ \ Sheet Music MagazineFascinating\ \