Dynamics of Law

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Author: Michael S. Hamilton

ISBN-10: 0765620871

ISBN-13: 9780765620873

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

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Preface     xiThe Nature and Function of Law     3Why Do We Need a System of Rules?     3Private Rules for Social Ordering     5Customs and Morals versus Law     6The Various Perspectives of Law     7Some Requirements for an Effective Legal System     8The Creation and Application of Law: An Introduction     10Chapter Problem     11Questions for Review     12The Courts and Adjudication     14Criminal Law and Civil Law     14Court Systems: Organization and Jurisdiction     16The Process of Adjudication     23Boyle v. Vista Eyewear     26Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation     35How to Read and Abstract an Appellate Decision     40Chapter Problem     43Questions for Review     44The Trial Stage     46Trial Procedure in a Civil Case Before a Jury     46The Adversary System     52The Trial Process: Some Problem Areas     53Pennsylvania v. Napper     54Alternative Dispute Resolution     68Shearson/American Express v. McMahon     69Chapter Problem     71Questions for Review     73Judicial Lawmaking I: Law Built on Precedents     74The Common-Law Tradition     74The Role of Precedents: The Doctrine of Stare Decisis and Its Rationale     77An Illustrative Case: MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co.     81Hinman v. Pacific Air, Hinman v. United Air Lines Transport     86Escola v. Coca-Cola     88Hynes v. New York Central Railroad     91Restraints on Judicial Lawmaking     94Common Law and Equity Theories in Statutory Law     95Chapter Problem     99Questions for Review     100Lawmaking by Legislatures     101The Legislative Process     101Differences Between Decisional and Legislative Lawmaking     105Some Problems of Legislative Drafting     112Chapter Problem     115Questions for Review     116Judicial Lawmaking II: Interpretation of Statutes     118The Intention of the Legislature     119Temple v. City of Petersburg     120The Use of Legislative History     126United Steelworkers of America v. Weber     129Other Aids to Statutory Interpretation      133Chapter Problem     135Questions for Review     136Judicial Lawmaking III: Interpreting the Constitution     137Examples of Constitutional Issues     137U.S. Constitutions     138The Supreme Court as the Final Constitutional Arbiter     139Restraints on the Exercise of Judicial Review     144Taking Private Property for Public Purposes     149Kelo et al. v. City of New London et al.     150Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council     153The Supreme Court as Policymaker     157Free Speech and Flag Burning     158Texas v. Johnson     159Chapter Problem     163Questions for Review     164Administrative Lawmaking and Adjudication     165The Emergence of Administrative Agencies     166Legislative Rulemaking by Administrators     169Yakus v. United States     171Adjudication and Decisional Rulemaking by Administrators     175Board of Governors of the Federal System v. Dimension Financial Corporation     178Achievements and Disappointments     180Chapter Problem     183Questions for Review     184Private Contributions to the Legal System     186Private Contributions to Lawmaking     186Alternative Dispute Resolution     188Collective Bargaining Agreements: An Example of Industrial Self-Government     189Chapter Problem     200Questions for Review     201Law in Society: A Conclusion     203Chapter Problem     204Bibliographic Note     207Index     211About the Authors     219