Drums For Dummies

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Author: Jeff Strong

ISBN-10: 0471794112

ISBN-13: 9780471794110

Category: Music Instruction & Education

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March to the beat of your own drum with the ultimate how-to manual for over 62 million amateur musicians! This book covers the basics for the drumming beginner - from finding the perfect drum set to learning how to care for it properly. You will master music fundamentals with expert tips for how to read music and how to understand basic techniques - with or without the sticks! It discusses the power of rhythm and percussion in world music, from Ashiko and Conga to Samba and Bosa Nova, with examples of each rhythm on the companion audio CD. Includes coverage of today's music styles from jazz and rock to country and R&B. Features ideas for keeping the beat alive - from finding print and internet resources to taking lessons or starting your own band. The added value CD-ROM allows readers to listen and play along to the exercises and pieces you'll find in the book. About the Author: Jeff Strong has been a drummer for over 30 years with professional experience in a variety of musical styles from jazz to country and R&B. He is an expert on both music and sound healing, appearing on numerous radio programs and in two documentaries.

Introduction1About This Book1Conventions Used in This Book2What You're Not to Read2Foolish Assumptions3How This Book Is Organized3Icons Used in This Book5Where to Go from Here5Part ISetting a Solid Foundation7Chapter 1Drum Basics9Picking a Drum Apart from Head to Shell10Exploring How Drums Create Sound10Deconstructing the Drumset12Appreciating the Old-timers: Traditional Drums14Swingin' Sticks and Slapping the Skins15Chapter 2I've Got Rhythm17Developing a Sound Vocabulary18Adding Some Drumming Definitions23Becoming One with the Pulse (and I'm Not Talking Heartbeat)25Feeling the Meter26Embracing Odd Meter27Chapter 3Tapping into Drumming Techniques29Talkin's Technique: What You Need to Know29Perfecting your posture30Preventing injuries30Hitting the drum: It's (not) all in the wrist34Speaking Softly and Carrying Big Sticks35Holding the sticks35Understanding drumstick strokes38Painting a Variety of Textures with Brushes41Getting to know brush styles41Getting a grip on brushing techniques42Forging a Foundation with Rudiments44The single-stroke roll46The double-stroke roll46The paradiddle46The flam47The ruff47Getting the Most Out of Your Practice Sessions48Starting slowly48Counting out the rhythm48Thinking it through first48Thoughing out practice49Knowing when to stop49Chapter 4Getting a Handle on Hand Drumming Techniques51Taking Matters (and Tones) into Your Own Hands51Opting for Open Tones52Basic open tone stroke52Thumb stroke53The open slap tone54Bass tone54The rim stroke55Mastering Muted Tones56Basic muted tone56The closed slap stroke57The palm stroke58The heel-tip stroke58Venturing into Some Alternative Strokes59Burshing stroke59Drone tone59The snap60Trills61One-handed rolls61Keeping Your Options Open62Part IIDigging into the Drumset63Chapter 5Settling In Behind the Drumset65Setting Up Your Drumset65Sitting on the throne66Positioning the pedals67Securing the snare drum67Placing the tom-toms68Adjusting the ride cymbal69Angling the crash cymbals69Raising the hi-hats70Putting Your Foot Down71Beating the bass drum71Playing the hi-hats73Working Out: Exercises to Improve Your Hand- and Footwork74Chapter 6Rolling into Rock Drumming79Harnessing the Backbeat80Mastering the Basic Beats80Eighth-note feel81Sixteenth-note feel83Half-time feel86The rock shuffle88The half-time shuffle feel90Dressing Up the Basic Beats92Mixing up the hi-hat92Moving the backbeat94Adding syncopations97Incorporating fills98Chapter 7Beating the Blues103Finding the Pocket and Staying in It103Playing Blues104Slow tempo105Medium tempo106Fast tempo108Filling in ... or not109Understanding Blues Song Structure111Chapter 8Rallying Around R&B and Funk113Playing R&B Grooves113Keeping time114Adding ghost notes116Opening and closing the hi-hat120Getting Funky: Exploring Funk Drumming121Incorporating syncopation121Syncopating the snare drum beats123Including ghost notes124Opening and closing the hi-hat125Chapter 9Swinging into Jazz127Getting Into the Swing of It127Varying the tempo130Tackling different textures131Adding to the beat132Expanding Your Horizons133Riding the cymbal135Adding accents136Incorporating the snare drum138Including the bass drum140Mixing up your accents142Telling Your Story: Soloing147Making two-bar phrases147Creating four-bar phrases147Blending Styles: Jazz-Fusion150Playing Fusion Rhythms150Knowing that more (not less) is more151Forgetting swing (at least for now)151Dealing with odd meter152Chapter 10Looking at Latin and Caribbean Styles155Building On Traditions155Playing Afro-Cuban Rhythms156Bolero156Cha-cha157Mambo158Nanigo159Playing Brazilian Rhythms159Samba160Bossa nova161Playing Caribbean Rhythms162Reggae162Calypso166Filling It Out168Chapter 11Ratcheting up Your Rock Drumming169Building on a Solid Foundation170Exploring Some Great Drummers and Their Grooves171Peeking into the pop drumming of Kenny Aronoff171Checking out punk's Travis Barker174Catching up with the jazz influence of Carter Beauford176Discovering rock legend John Bonham179Looking at Dave Grohl's alternative drumming181Jamming with a drummer's drummer: Jeff Porcaro183Examining Spug's heavy rock style186Finding Your Own Inspiration188Part IIIDressing up Your Drumset Skills189Chapter 12Getting Into the Groove191Getting the Feel of the Music191Playing Musically192Understanding song structure193Fitting your playing style to the song194Choosing the Perfect Rhythm195Getting hints from other musicians195Using the music as a guide196Adding Your Personality197Choosing the bass drum part198Selecting the snare drum part198Picking the cymbals198Electing embellishments198Chapter 13Expressing Yourself with Fills and Licks201Enhancing Your Drumming with Licks202Increasing Your Impact with Fills203Marking the phrase204Supporting dynamic variation204Playing Some Fills - From One Beat to Four205Creating Your Own Fills210Fitting the musical situation211Syncopating211Rolling212Chapter 14Flying Solo215Soloing Basics215Keeping time216Playing musically217Thinking melodically220Pushing the limits221Part IVPounding Out the Beat: Traditional Drums and Percussion223Chapter 15Handling Hand Drums225Embracing the Variety in Drums225Beating the Bongos226Playing position227Understanding the rhythms228Carrying On with the Congas229Playing position230Understanding the rhythms231Discovering the Djembe232Playing position233Understanding the rhythms234Uncovering the Udu235Playing position236Understanding the rhythms237Deciphering the Doumbek238Playing position239Understanding the rhythms240Touting the Tar241Playing position242Understanding the rhythms243Tapping the Power of the Tambourine/Riq243Playing position244Understanding the rhythms246Partying with the Pandeiro247Playing position247Understanding the rhythms248Chapter 16Singling Out Stick-Played Drums251Bopping to the Bodhran251Playing position252Understanding the rhythms253Detailing the Djun Djuns254Playing position255Understanding the rhythms255Rubbing the Cuica256Playing position257Understanding the rhythms258Striking the Surdo259Playing position260Understanding the rhythms260Rapping the Repanique262Playing position262Understanding the rhythms263Tapping the Tamborim264Playing position264Understanding the rhythms265Tinkering with the Timbales266Playing position266Understanding the rhythms267Chapter 17Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Exploring Other Percussion Instruments269Ringing the Agogo Bells269Playing position270Understanding the rhythms271Twisting and Shaking the Afuche/Cabasa271Playing position272Understanding the rhythms273Keying in to the Clave273Playing position274Understanding the rhythms275Clanging the Cowbell276Playing position277Understanding the rhythms277Scraping the Guiro278Playing position279Understanding the rhythms279Movin' to the Maracas280Playing position281Understanding the rhythms282Experimenting with Shakers282Playing position283Understanding the rhythms283Tapping the Triangle284Playing position285Understanding the rhythms285Chapter 18Jamming with World Rhythms287Demystifying Polyrhythms287It Takes a Village: Using More Rhythms for Better Sound288The Rhythm Nations: Playing Well with Others289Exploring African polyrhythms289Checking out Cuban polyrhythms291Banging out Brazilian polyrhythms294Part VChoosing, Tuning, and Caring for Your Drums297Chapter 19Decision Time: Selecting a Drum of Your Own299Choosing a Drumset300The drums300Other hardware you have to buy separately302The cymbals303The sticks304Choosing a Traditional Drum304Natural or synthetic drumheads305Shell type306Hardware style308Branching Out: The Extras308Keeping time with the metronome