Discovery: From Sentence to Paragraph

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Author: William J. Kelly

ISBN-10: 0205651585

ISBN-13: 9780205651580

Category: English Grammar

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Discovery focuses on helping students build sentence- and paragraph-writing skills through self- and academic-discovery. The textbook opens with an overview of the writing process and introduces students to paragraph and essay writing. The authors then provide lucid, well-illustrated explanations of basic sentence elements, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. The student and professional reading selections include an introduction to critical reading and comprehension and contains numerous writing exercises.

Detailed ContentsPreface About the Authors PART 1The Elements of Effective WritingThe Faces of Discovery 2CHAPTER 1 Understanding the Writing ProcessOverview: Discovery through WritingThe Stages of the Writing ProcessThe Dynamics of WritingYour ReaderThe Purpose behind Your WritingThe Relationship between Writing and ReadingSpotlight Piece Process, Dynamics, and PurposeUnderstanding the Subject through WritingRECAP Understanding the Writing ProcessCHAPTER 2 Prewriting: Developing IdeasOverview: PrewritingFreewritingBrainstormingClusteringBranchingIdea MappingJournal WritingThe Response JournalPrewriting That’s Right for YouWriting RitualsCheck-in TimeSpotlight Piece Development of PrewritingIdeasUnderstanding the Subject through WritingRECAP Prewriting: Developing IdeasCHAPTER 3 Composing: Creating Topic Sentences and Supporting SentencesOverview: ComposingThe ParagraphTopic FocusTopic Sentence DevelopmentClear and Specific Topic SentencesEffective Placement of Topic SentencesSupporting IdeasEffective Arrangement of Details and ExamplesWriter-Centered Words; Reader-Centered SentencesThe Complete First-Draft ParagraphSpotlight Piece The Complete First-Draft WritingUnderstanding the Subject through WritingRECAP Composing: Creating Topic Sentences and Supporting SentencesCHAPTER 4 Revising: Refining Your DraftOverview: RevisionReassessmentRedraftingEditingJournal WritingSpotlight Piece A Sample Final DraftUnderstanding the Subject through WritingRECAP Revising: Refining Your DraftCHAPTER 5 Moving from Paragraph to EssayOverview: The Difference between a Paragraph and an EssayEssay StructureThe Essay Writing ProcessThe Essay Writing Process: A SampleJournal WritingSpotlight Piece Considering a Final DraftUnderstanding the Subject through WritingRECAP Moving from Paragraph to EssayASSESSMENT 1PART 2Effective Sentences: Constructing MeaningThe Faces of Discovery CHAPTER 6 Subjects and VerbsOverview: Elements of a Complete SentenceAction VerbsLinking VerbsIdentifying SubjectsThe Simple Subject versus the Complete SubjectVerb Phrases and Compound VerbsCompound SubjectsJournal WritingRECAP Subjects and VerbsCHAPTER 7 Sentence FragmentsOverview: Complete SentencesFragments with Missing VerbsFragments with Missing SubjectsPhrase FragmentsAppositive Phrase FragmentsSubordinate Clause FragmentsJournal WritingRECAP Sentence FragmentsCHAPTER 8 SubordinationOverview: Complex Sentences with Supporting ClausesSimple and Complex SentencesSubordinating ConjunctionsRelative PronounsPunctuation of Subordinate ClausesJournal WritingRECAP SubordinationCHAPTER 9 CoordinationOverview: Compound SentencesCoordinating ConjunctionsSemicolonsConjunctive AdverbsJournal WritingRECAP CoordinationCHAPTER 10 Comma Splices and Run-On SentencesOverview: Sentence-Combining ErrorsComma Splices and Run-On SentencesCorrecting Comma Splices and Run-Ons with Coordinating ConjunctionsSemicolonsSubordinating ConjunctionsPeriodsJournal WritingRECAP Comma Splices and Run-On SentencesASSESSMENT 2 207PART 3Verbs: Conveying Action and TimeThe Faces of Discovery CHAPTER 11 Maintaining Subject—Verb AgreementOverview: Subject—Verb AgreementAgreement When the Subject Follows the VerbSentences Beginning with There and Here Words That Separate Subjects and VerbsProblems with Compound SubjectsAgreement with Indefinite PronounsAgreement with Collective Nouns, Singular Nouns Ending in -s, and Words Indicating AmountsJournal WritingRECAP Maintaining Subject—Verb AgreementCHAPTER 12 Forming Basic Tenses for Regular VerbsOverview: The Basic TensesThe Present TenseThe Future TenseThe Past TenseThe Perfect TensesJournal WritingRECAP Forming Basic Tenses for Regular VerbsCHAPTER 13 Using Irregular Verbs CorrectlyOverview: Verbs That Do Not Follow the RulesA List of Irregular VerbsStrategies for Mastering Irregular VerbsJournal WritingRECAP Using Irregular Verbs CorrectlyCHAPTER 14 Using Passive Voice and Progressive Tenses, and Maintaining Consistency in TenseOverview: Passive Voice and Progressive TenseUnderstanding Active and Passive VoiceProgressive TensesConsistency in TenseJournal WritingRECAP Using Passive Voice and Progressive Tenses, and Maintaining Consistency in TenseCHAPTER 15 Dealing with Additional Elements of Verb UseOverview: Special Problems with VerbsCan and Could Will and Would Forms of to Be Journal WritingRECAP Dealing with Additional Elements of Verb UseASSESSMENT 3PART 4Sentence Elements: Striving for PrecisionThe Faces of Discovery CHAPTER 16 Working with NounsOverview: Words That NameThe Function and Form of NounsSingular Nouns Ending in -s and Collective NounsCue Words That Identify NumberJournal WritingRECAP Working with NounsCHAPTER 17 Using Pronouns: Considering Case, Clear Pronoun—AntecedentAgreement, and Nonsexist Pronoun UsageOverview: The Correct Pronoun ChoicePronoun TypesPronoun CaseAgreement in NumberAgreement with Indefinite PronounsErrors in Agreement with Demonstrative Pronouns and AdjectivesThe Role of Reflexive or Intensive PronounsAgreement in That, Who, and Which ClausesProblems with Gender in Pronoun—Antecedent AgreementAvoidance of Sexist LanguageJournal WritingRECAP Using Pronouns: Considering Case, Clear Pronoun—Antecedent Agreement, and Nonsexist Pronoun UsageCHAPTER 18 Working with Adjectives and Adverbs: Using Modifiers EffectivelyOverview: Building Precise Detail with ModifiersThe Positive Form of Adjectives and AdverbsThe Comparative Form of Adjectives and AdverbsThe Superlative Form of Adjectives and AdverbsIrregular and Confusing ModifiersDouble NegativesProblems with -ing ModifiersJournal WritingRECAP Using ModifiersASSESSMENT 4PART 5Consistency Workshop: Aiming for CorrectnessThe Faces of Discovery CHAPTER 19 Maintaining ParallelismOverview: Creating Balance in WritingKeeping Individual Words in a Series ParallelKeeping Phrases in a Series ParallelParallelism with Correlative ConjunctionsJournal WritingRECAP Maintaining Parallelism 3CHAPTER 20 Mastering SpellingOverview: The Importance of Correct SpellingForming PluralsPrefixes and SuffixesDoubling the Final ConsonantWords with ie or ei CombinationsConfusing Endings and Incorrect FormsCommonly Confused WordsMaintaining a Personal Spelling DictionaryJournal WritingRECAP Mastering SpellingCHAPTER 21 Using CommasOverview: When Commas Are NeededComma Function 1To indicate a pause between two simple sentences connected by a coordinating conjunctionComma Function 2To separate items in a seriesComma Function 3To separate an introductory phrase from the rest of the sentenceComma Function 4To set off an introductory subordinate clauseComma Function 5To set off word groups that would otherwise interrupt the flow of the sentenceComma Function 6To set off a direct quotation from the rest of the sentenceComma Function 7To punctuate dates and addressesJournal WritingRECAP Using CommasCHAPTER 22 Using Punctuation ProperlyOverview: The Role of PunctuationPeriods, Question Marks, and Exclamation PointsColons and SemicolonsQuotation MarksApostrophesJournal WritingRECAP Using Punctuation ProperlyCHAPTER 23 Capitalizing CorrectlyOverview: Proper CapitalizationWhen Words Should Be CapitalizedJournal WritingRECAP Capitalizing CorrectlyASSESSMENT 5PART 6Discovering Connections through ReadingOverview: Active Reading StrategiesTaking NotesFive Steps to Active ReadingActive Reading IllustratedTo Be an All-American Girl Elizabeth WongEducation Malcolm XBecoming a Writer Russell BakerComplaining Maya AngelouBaseball Annie DillardThe Pleasures of the Text Charles McGrathRemembering India Elsa “Chachi” Maldonado“Forget the past. No one becomes successful in the past.” Peter LeComteDifferences in Child Rearing in Russia and the United States Svetlana MelamedmanI Do Remember You Soledad A. Munoz-VilugronMoving to America Pranee VincentThe Old Store Valeri L. CappielloWhy Couldn’t I Have Been Named Ashley? Imma AchilikeAppendix Tips for ESL Writers Credits Index