Discourse Structure and Anaphora: Written and Conversational English

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Author: Barbara A. Fox

ISBN-10: 0521439906

ISBN-13: 9780521439909

Category: Linguistics & Semiotics

This thoughtful study, presenting a novel analytical framework, examines the use of anaphora in both written and conversational discourse. In particular, it examines the distribution of pronouns and full noun phrases in three different genres of English, and demonstrates the relationships between the hierarchical structure of discourses and the use of anaphoric phrases within those discourses.

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A study of anaphora in written and spoken discourse, using data from three English genres.

1. Introduction; 2. Conversation analysis; 3. Anaphora in conversational English; 4. Rhetorical structure analysis; 5. Anaphora in expository written English texts; 6. Anaphora in expository written and conversational English; 7. Conclusions.