Dirt Cheap, Real Good: A Highway Guide to Thrift Stores in the Washington, D. C. Area

from $0.00

Author: Chriss Slevin

ISBN-10: 1931868689

ISBN-13: 9781931868686

Category: Fashion & Apparel Guides

Dirt Cheap, Real Good is a take-along travel guide to the best second-hand shops in the Mid-Atlantic region. It leads readers on six adventurous road trips, featuring the very best of local thrifting. The network of routes, which map the finest second-hand, antique, and vintage shops, all originate from Washington, DC, allowing you to create your own weekend thrift expeditions. Dirt Cheap, Real Good offers the low-down on the merchandise, hours, and phone numbers for each location, plus...

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Two fun-loving bargain-hunters take the adventurous, fashion-conscious, urban hipster, vintage collector, and the downright cheap on a thrift store travel adventure around the DC area

AcknowledgmentsviiIntroductionixMap of RoutesxiHow to Use this Book and All About Our Dirt-Cheap PhilosophyxiiiHome Base: Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area1Route #1Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania23Route #2Washington, D.C., to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania57Route #3Washington, D.C., to Charleston, West Virginia85Route #4Washington, D.C., to Winston-Salem, North Carolina115Route #5Washington, D.C., to Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina153Route #6Washington, D.C., to the Delaware and Maryland Coasts185Favorite Stops213Index215About the Authors231