Dining on the Shore Line Route: New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad

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Author: Marc Frattasio

ISBN-10: 1883089832

ISBN-13: 9781883089832

Category: General & Miscellaneous Cooking

History and recipes of New Haven Railroad's fabulous Dining Car Department from its earliest years until 1969. The people, trains, cars, china, silverware, menus, advertising, and recipes of this fine service are detailed in this fascinating and well researched work. New Haven was justifiably famous for its fine food on its great fleet of trains. Included are many actual recipes that show the variety of the line's food, served for so many years to so many travelers in the Northeastern U.S.

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History and recipes of New Haven Railroad's fabulous dining car department from its earliest years until 1969.

AcknowledgmentsivPrefaceviThe Origins of Railroad Food Service2Food Service on the New Haven Railroad8The Second World War34The New Haven's Postwar Era42Penn Central and Beyond70The New Haven's Dining Car Department76New Haven Railroad Standard Recipes84