Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications

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Author: Li Tan

ISBN-10: 0123740908

ISBN-13: 9780123740908

Category: Hardware Related Programming

This textbook presents digital signal processing (DSP) principles, applications, and hardware implementation issues, emphasizing achievable results and conclusions through the presentation of numerous worked examples, while reducing the use of mathematics for an easier grasp of the concepts. Features include: Real-time implementation of DSP algorithms using DSP processors, MATLAB programs for simulations and C programs for real-time DSP, Coverage of adaptive filtering with applications to...

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This textbook presents digital signal processing (DSP) principles, applications, and hardware implementation issues, emphasizing achievable results and conclusions through the presentation of numerous worked examples, while reducing the use of mathematics for an easier grasp of the concepts. Features include:* Real-time implementation of DSP algorithms using DSP processors* MATLAB programs for simulations and C programs for real-time DSP * Coverage of adaptive filtering with applications to noise reduction and echo cancellation* Applications of DSP to multimedia applications - such as u-law and adaptive differential pulse code modulation, sampling rate conversions, transform coding, image and video processing - show the relevance of DSP to a key area in industry* MATLAB programs, student exercises and Real-time C programs available at text gives students in electronics, computer engineering and bioengineering an understanding of essential DSP principles and implementation, demonstrating how the subject is fundamental to engineering as practiced today."Professor Tan has written a comprehensive introduction to DSP, not lacking in theory and yet suitable for tech school as well as senior-level university courses. With this text one can move through all the main areas of modern DSP, learn the theory, and see plenty of illustrations in terms of hardware and software. It's an excellent reference for our present age, in which DSP has applications in practically every area of technology." - Samuel D. Stearns, Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico*Covers DSP principles and hardware issues with emphasis on applications and many worked examples*Website with MATLAB programs for simulation and C programs for real-time DSP*End of chapter problems are helpful in ensuring retention and understanding of what was just read

Preface     xiiiAbout the Author     xviiIntroduction to Digital Signal Processing     1Basic Concepts of Digital Signal Processing     1Basic Digital Signal Processing Examples in Block Diagrams     3Digital Filtering     3Signal Frequency (Spectrum) Analysis     4Overview of Typical Digital Signal Processing in Real-World Applications     6Digital Crossover Audio System     6Interference Cancellation in Electrocardiography     7Speech Coding and Compression     7Compact-Disc Recording System     9Digital Photo Image Enhancement     10Digital Signal Processing Applications     11Summary     12Signal Sampling and Quantization     13Sampling of Continuous Signal     13Signal Reconstruction     20Practical Considerations for Signal Sampling: Anti-Aliasing Filtering     25Practical Considerations for Signal Reconstruction: Anti-Image Filter and Equalizer     29Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Digital-to-Analog Conversion, and Quantization     35Summary     49MATLAB Programs     50Problems     51Digital Signalsand Systems     57Digital Signals     57Common Digital Sequences     58Generation of Digital Signals     62Linear Time-Invariant, Causal Systems     64Linearity     64Time Invariance     65Causality     67Difference Equations and Impulse Responses     68Format of Difference Equation     68System Representation Using Its Impulse Response     69Bounded-in-and-Bounded-out Stability     72Digital Convolution     74Summary     82Problems     83Discrete Fourier Transform and Signal Spectrum     87Discrete Fourier Transform     87Fourier Series Coefficients of Periodic Digital Signals     88Discrete Fourier Transform Formulas     92Amplitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum     98Spectral Estimation Using Window Functions     110Application to Speech Spectral Estimation     117Fast Fourier Transform     120Method of Decimation-in-Frequency     121Method of Decimation-in-Time     127Summary     131Problems     131The z-Transform      135Definition     135Properties of the z-Transform     139Inverse z-Transform     142Partial Fraction Expansion Using MATLAB     148Solution of Difference Equations Using the z-Transform     151Summary     155Problems     156Digital Signal Processing Systems, Basic Filtering Types, and Digital Filter Realizations     159The Difference Equation and Digital Filtering     159Difference Equation and Transfer Function     165Impulse Response, Step Response, and System Response     169The z-Plane Pole-Zero Plot and Stability     171Digital Filter Frequency Response     179Basic Types of Filtering     188Realization of Digital Filters     195Direct-Form I Realization     195Direct-Form II Realization     196Cascade (Series) Realization     197Parallel Realization     198Application: Speech Enhancement and Filtering     202Pre-Emphasis of Speech     202Bandpass Filtering of Speech     205Summary     208Problems     209Finite Impulse Response Filter Design     215Finite Impulse Response Filter Format     215Fourier Transform Design     217Window Method     229Applications: Noise Reduction and Two-Band Digital Crossover     253Noise Reduction     253Speech Noise Reduction     255Two-Band Digital Crossover     256Frequency Sampling Design Method     260Optimal Design Method     268Realization Structures of Finite Impulse Response Filters     280Transversal Form     280Linear Phase Form     282Coefficient Accuracy Effects on Finite Impulse Response Filters     283Summary of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Design Procedures and Selection of FIR Filter Design Methods in Practice     287Summary     290MATLAB Programs     291Problems     294Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design     303Infinite Impulse Response Filter Format     303Bilinear Transformation Design Method     305Analog Filters Using Lowpass Prototype Transformation     306Bilinear Transformation and Frequency Warping     310Bilinear Transformation Design Procedure     317Digital Butterworth and Chebyshev Filter Designs      322Lowpass Prototype Function and Its Order     322Lowpass and Highpass Filter Design Examples     326Bandpass and Bandstop Filter Design Examples     336Higher-Order Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design Using the Cascade Method     343Application: Digital Audio Equalizer     346Impulse Invariant Design Method     350Polo-Zero Placement Method for Simple Infinite Impulse Response Filters     358Second-Order Bandpass Filter Design     359Second-Order Bandstop (Notch) Filter Design     360First-Order Lowpass Filter Design     362First-Order Highpass Filter Design     364Realization Structures of Infinite Impulse Response Filters     365Realization of Infinite Impulse Response Filters in Direct-Form I and Direct-Form II     366Realization of Higher-Order Infinite Impulse Response Filters via the Cascade Form     368Application: 60-Hz Hum Eliminator and Heart Rate Detection Using Electrocardiography     370Coefficient Accuracy Effects on Infinite Impulse Response Filters     377Application: Generation and Detection of Dual-Tone Multifrequency Tones Using Goertzel Algorithm     381Single-Tone Generator     382Dual-Tone Multifrequency Tone Generator      384Goertzel Algorithm     386Dual-Tone Multifrequency Tone Detection Using the Modified Goertzel Algorithm     391Summary of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Design Procedures and Selection of the IIR Filter Design Methods in Practice     396Summary     401Problems     402Hardware and Software for Digital Signal Processors     413Digital Signal Processor Architecture     413Digital Signal Processor Hardware Units     416Multiplier and Accumulator     416Shifters     417Address Generators     418Digital Signal Processors and Manufactures     419Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Formats     420Fixed-Point Format     420Floating-Point Format     429IEEE Floating-Point Formats     434Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors     437Floating-Point Processors     439Finite Impulse Response and Infinite Impulse Response Filter Implementation in Fixed-Point Systems     441Digital Signal Processing Programming Examples     447Overview or TMS320C67x DSK     447Concept of Real-Time Processing     451Linear Buffering     452Sample C Programs      455Summary     460Problems     461Adaptive Filters and Applications     463Introduction to Least Mean Square Adaptive Finite Impulse Response Filters     463Basic Wiener Filter Theory and Least Mean Square Algorithm     467Applications: Noise Cancellation, System Modeling, and Line Enhancement     473Noise Cancellation     473System Modeling     479Line Enhancement Using Linear Prediction     484Other Application Examples     486Canceling Periodic Interferences Using Linear Prediction     487Electrocardiography Interference Cancellation     488Echo Cancellation in Long-Distance Telephone Circuits     489Summary     491Problems     491Waveform Quantization and Compression     497Linear Midtread Quantization     497[Mu]-law Companding     501Analog [Mu]-Law Companding     501Digital [Mu]-Law Companding     506Examples of Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM), Delta Modulation, and Adaptive DPCM G.721     510Examples of Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Delta Modulation     510Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation G.721      515Discrete Cosine Transform, Modified Discrete Cosine Transform, and Transform Coding in MPEG Audio     522Discrete Cosine Transform     522Modified Discrete Cosine Transform     525Transform Coding in MPEG Audio     530Summary     533MATLAB Programs     534Problems     550Multirate Digital Signal Processing, Oversampling of Analog-to-Digital Conversion, and Undersampling of Bandpass Signals     557Multirate Digital Signal Processing Basics     557Sampling Rate Reduction by an Integer Factor     558Sampling Rate Increase by an Integer Factor     564Changing Sampling Rate by a Non-Integer Factor L/M     570Application: CD Audio Player     575Multistage Decimation     578Polyphase Filter Structure and Implementation     583Oversampling of Analog-to-Digital Conversion     589Oversampling and Analog-to-Digital Conversion Resolution     590Sigma-Delta Modulation Analog-to-Digital Conversion     593Application Example: CD Player     599Undersampling of Bandpass Signals     601Summary     609Problems     610Image Processing Basics      617Image Processing Notation and Data Formats     6178-Bit Gray Level Images     61824-Bit Color Images     6198-Bit Color Images     620Intensity Images     621Red, Green, Blue Components and Grayscale Conversion     622MATLAB Functions for Format Conversion     624Image Histogram and Equalization     625Grayscale Histogram and Equalization     62524-Bit Color Image Equalization     6328-Bit Indexed Color Image Equalization     633MATLAB Functions for Equalization     636Image Level Adjustment and Contrast     637Linear Level Adjustment     638Adjusting the Level for Display     641Matlab Functions for Image Level Adjustment     642Image Filtering Enhancement     642Lowpass Noise Filtering     643Median Filtering     646Edge Detection     651MATLAB Functions for Image Filtering     655Image Pseudo-Color Generation and Detection     657Image Spectra     661Image Compression by Discrete Cosine Transform     664Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform     666Two-Dimensional JPEG Grayscale Image Compression Example     669JPEG Color Image Compression     671Creating a Video Sequence by Mixing Two Images     677Video Signal Basics     677Analog Video     678Digital Video     685Motion Estimation in Video     687Summary     690Problems     692Introduction to the MATLAB Environment     699Basic Commands and Syntax     699MATLAB Array and Indexing     703Plot Utilities: Subplot, Plot, Stem, and Stair     704MATLAB Script Files     704MATLAB Functions     705Review of Analog Signal Processing Basics     709Fourier Series and Fourier Transform     709Sine-Cosine Form     709Amplitude-Phase Form     710Complex Exponential Form     711Spectral Plots     714Fourier Transform     721Laplace Transform     726Laplace Transform and Its Table     726Solving Differential Equations Using Laplace Transform     727Transfer Function     730Poles, Zeros, Stability, Convolution, and Sinusoidal Steady-State Response      731Poles, Zeros, and Stability     731Convolution     733Sinusoidal Steady-State Response     735Problems     736Normalized Butterworth and Chebyshev Fucntions     741Normalized Butterworth Function     741Normalized Chebyshev Function     744Sinusoidal Steady-State Response of Digital Filters     749Sinusoidal Steady-State Response     749Properties of the Sinusoidal Steady-State Response     751Finite Impulse Response Filter Design Equations by the Frequency Sampling Design Method     753Some Useful Mathematical Formulas     757Bibliography     761Answers to Selected Problems     765Index     791