Dictionary of American Regional English, Volume III: I-O

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Author: Joan Houston Hall

ISBN-10: 0674205197

ISBN-13: 9780674205192

Category: English Dictionaries & Thesauri - Idioms & Slang

Dip into the Dictionary of American Regional English and enter the rich, endlessly entertaining, ever-changing world of American speech. Learn what a Minnesota grandma is making when she fixes lefse, what a counterman in a Buffalo deli means by kimmelweck or a Hawaiian baker puts into a malassada. Find out what kids on the streets of New York are doing when they play Johnny-on-the-pony or off-the-point, what Southerners do when they use their tom walkers, what the folks in Oklahoma and Texas...

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Dip into the Dictionary of American Regional English and enter the rich, endlessly entertaining, ever-changing world of American speech. Learn what a Minnesota grandma is making when she fixes lefse, what a counterman in a Buffalo deli means by kimmelweck or a Hawaiian baker puts into a malassada. Find out what kids on the streets of New York are doing when they play Johnny-on-the-pony or off-the-point, what Southerners do when they use their tom walkers, what the folks in Oklahoma and Texas celebrate on Juneteenth and those in some parts of Wisconsin at a kermis.Like its enormously popular predecessors, this volume captures the language of our lives, from east to west, north to south, urban to rural, childhood to old age. Here are the terms that distinguish us, one from the other, and knit us together in one vast, colorful tapestry of imperfect, perfectly enchanting speech. More than five hundred maps show where you might be if you looked in a garden and saw moccasin flowers, indian cigars, or lady peas; if you encountered a bullfrog and cried, "jugarum!"; or came upon a hover fly and exclaimed, "newsbee!" And here, at long last, is an explanation of what the madstone and the money cat portend.Built upon an unprecedented survey of spoken English across America and bolstered by extensive historical research, the Dictionary of American Regional English preserves a language that lives and dies as we breathe. It will amuse and inform, delight and instruct, and keep alive the speech that we have made our own, and that has made us who we are. Edward Callary - Language in Society Because these volumes are the most complete lexical records we have of the American experience, much of the history and contemporary condition of American society can be found in their pages...We are very fortunate to have DARE; it is not a dictionary; it is a national treasure.

1. DARE Staff, Volume2. Preface3. Acknowledgments4. The Anatomy of a DARE Entry5. List of Abbreviations6. Dictionary of American Regional English, 1-0 1

\ New York Times MagazineProof that tourism, television and technological change haven't rounded off all the gaudy and gracious edges of the way we talk.\ — William Safire\ \ \ \ \ \ New York Times Book ReviewThis long-awaited, definitive and fascinating Dictionary of American Regional English [DARE]...is all we had hoped for and more. It includes the regional and folk language, past and present, of the old and the young, men and women, white and black, the rural and the urban, from all walks of life...Although DARE will be one of the most scholarly, comprehensive and detailed dictionaries ever completed...it will also be one of the easiest and most enjoyable to use or browse in...This is an exciting, lasting work of useful scholarship accomplished with excellence, a work that scholars and laypeople alike will study, use and enjoy for generations.\ — Stuart B. Flexner\ \ \ \ New York TimesIt already seems clear that...the dictionary will rank as one of the glories of contemporary American scholarship...it is endlessly rewarding to dip into, and if you look up a particular word or phrase you are in constant danger of being seduced to something else...It is a work to consult, and a work to savor—a work to last a lifetime.\ — John Gross\ \ \ \ \ \ Chicago TribuneVolume III of the Dictionary of American Regional English—or DARE, to its language-loving devotees coast to coast—is the latest installment ("I" to "O") of the most comprehensive effort ever mounted to capture the words the American people actually use in theireveryday life, words that don't always get written down…It's a browser's delight and a front-row seat at the Great American Variety Show.\ — Rick Horowitz\ \ \ \ \ \ Philadelphia Inquirer[T]he regional qualities of American English continue to make our tongue colorful, gracious, even elegant. This dictionary examines those words and phrases—not the everyday ones we all use, like hand or smile or part-time…DARE is especially revealing; it shows, almost instantly, that in this country language is not fodder for regulation; language simply is, period. We all say much the same things—in sometimes very different ways...This survey of spoken English is, as its publisher proudly proclaims, unprecedented. It's also scholarly, endlessly fascinating and enlightening. You can hear America talking from its pages\ — Howard S. Shapiro\ \ \ \ \ \ IsthmusEditor Frederic G. Cassidy and associate editior Joan Houston Hall have an appetite for American dialect suited to their painstaking work on what may be the great reference work of our age...But while the OED's English is like Latin—a linguistic fossil bed—DARE documents a living, mutable language...DARE offers delights on every page, the taxonomy of 10,000 fanciful American constructions,turns of phrase and words that don't mean what you think.\ — David Medaris\ \ \ \ \ \ Chicago Sun-Times[A] green pasture of language, perfect for browsing by a lover of words.\ — James Kilpatrick\ \ \ \ \ \ American SpeechA flat-out excellent continuation of the first volume...DARE must be seen as having an influence on the field of lexicography when editors of other dictionaries look to it for guidance. This type of influence previously has been seen rarely, outside of the pervasive influence exercised by the OED...The makers of DARE, from Cassidy to copy editor, can rest assured that their work will long be used and held valuable by the American contingent of humanity.\ — Thomas L. Clark\ \ \ \ \ \ Indogermanische ForschungenThe most comprehensive collection of America's regional lexis...The third volume is, as its predecessors before it, a rich mine of information, impeccably edited and printed and a joy to read. We are looking forward to the volumes still to come, hoping they will be published soon.\ \ \ \ \ TimeDevotees of verbal arcana have never been given a richer browsing ground. But while they are discovering that a blind tiger is a place to buy and drink moonshine, or that there are 176 names for dust balls under the bed, they are also bound to be awed by the dictionary's staggering scholarship.\ — Ezra Bowen\ \ \ \ \ \ Miami HeraldFlowerpots and sinkers and cabbage patches fill the fascinating pages of the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE), whose second volume, D to H, comes out this summer...It is not everyone's idea of fun to cozy up with a dictionary, of course. But this is not just any old reference book. It's a linguistic guide to America, with a little bit of Americana waiting to be discovered on every one of its 1,192 pages.\ — Rick Horowitz\ \ \ \ \ \ Los Angeles TimesIn DARE, it's the speakers who get their say. A trip through its pages is part Trivial Pursuit®, part scholarship, and part treasure hunt.\ — Bob Secter\ \ \ \ \ \ NewsweekFrom dabble (to wash or rinse quickly) right through to hyuh (i.e., here) the Dictionary of American Regional English...catalogs the crazy ways we talked before being mass-commed into a nation of mush-mouths.\ \ \ \ \ Language in SocietyBecause these volumes are the most complete lexical records we have of the American experience, much of the history and contemporary condition of American society can be found in their pages...We are very fortunate to have DARE; it is not a dictionary; it is a national treasure.\ — Edward Callary\ \ \ \ \ \ Language and LinguisticsThe content of the DARE volumes is both enlightening and entertaining...Anyone with an interest in American history and life in general will enjoy browsing through this volume.\ — Kay O. Cornelius\ \ \ \ \ \ New York Times Magazine\ - William Safire\ Proof that tourism, television and technological change haven't rounded off all the gaudy and gracious edges of the way we talk.\ \ \ \ \ New York Times Book Review\ - Stuart B. Flexner\ This long-awaited, definitive and fascinating Dictionary of American Regional English [DARE]...is all we had hoped for and more. It includes the regional and folk language, past and present, of the old and the young, men and women, white and black, the rural and the urban, from all walks of life...Although DARE will be one of the most scholarly, comprehensive and detailed dictionaries ever completed...it will also be one of the easiest and most enjoyable to use or browse in...This is an exciting, lasting work of useful scholarship accomplished with excellence, a work that scholars and laypeople alike will study, use and enjoy for generations.\ \ \ \ \ Chicago Tribune\ - Rick Horowitz\ Flowerpots and sinkers and cabbage patches fill the fascinating pages of the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE), whose second volume, D to H, comes out this summer...It is not everyone's idea of fun to cozy up with a dictionary, of course. But this is not just any old reference book. It's a linguistic guide to America, with a little bit of Americana waiting to be discovered on every one of its 1,192 pages.\ \ \ \ \ Philadelphia Inquirer\ - Howard S. Shapiro\ [T]he regional qualities of American English continue to make our tongue colorful, gracious, even elegant. This dictionary examines those words and phrases--not the everyday ones we all use, like hand or smile or part-time…DARE is especially revealing; it shows, almost instantly, that in this country language is not fodder for regulation; language simply is, period. We all say much the same things--in sometimes very different ways...This survey of spoken English is, as its publisher proudly proclaims, unprecedented. It's also scholarly, endlessly fascinating and enlightening. You can hear America talking from its pages\ \ \ \ \ Isthmus\ - David Medaris\ Editor Frederic G. Cassidy and associate editior Joan Houston Hall have an appetite for American dialect suited to their painstaking work on what may be the great reference work of our age...But while the OED's English is like Latin--a linguistic fossil bed--DARE documents a living, mutable language...DARE offers delights on every page, the taxonomy of 10,000 fanciful American constructions,turns of phrase and words that don't mean what you think.\ \ \ \ \ Chicago Sun-Times\ - James Kilpatrick\ [A] green pasture of language, perfect for browsing by a lover of words.\ \ \ \ \ American Speech\ - Betty S. Phillips\ The dictionary [is] very easy to read and to interpret. The senses were clearly delineated, and the quotations aptly chosen...One very wise practice was the use of a double dagger "to indicate a word or sense of questionable genuineness"...An editor who had chosen not to include such items might have deprived future dialectologists of potentially important data should they happen to come across these words later...DARE has indeed become an indispensable resource for the study of American English, "a routine starting point for current and future dialect studies" (Wolfram, American Speech, 1985).\ \ \ \ \ Time\ - Ezra Bowen\ Devotees of verbal arcana have never been given a richer browsing ground. But while they are discovering that a blind tiger is a place to buy and drink moonshine, or that there are 176 names for dust balls under the bed, they are also bound to be awed by the dictionary's staggering scholarship.\ \ \ \ \ American Speech\ - Thomas L. Clark\ A flat-out excellent continuation of the first volume...DARE must be seen as having an influence on the field of lexicography when editors of other dictionaries look to it for guidance. This type of influence previously has been seen rarely, outside of the pervasive influence exercised by the OED...The makers of DARE, from Cassidy to copy editor, can rest assured that their work will long be used and held valuable by the American contingent of humanity.\ \ \ \ \ Los Angeles Times\ - Bob Secter\ In DARE, it's the speakers who get their say. A trip through its pages is part Trivial Pursuit®, part scholarship, and part treasure hunt.\ \ \ \ \ Language and Linguistics\ - Kay O. Cornelius\ The content of the DARE volumes is both enlightening and entertaining...Anyone with an interest in American history and life in general will enjoy browsing through this volume.\ \ \ \ \ TimeDevotees of verbal arcana have never been given a richer browsing ground. But while they are discovering that a blind tiger is a place to buy and drink moonshine, or that there are 176 names for dust balls under the bed, they are also bound to be awed by the dictionary's staggering scholarship.\ — Ezra Bowen\ \ \ \ \ Chicago TribuneVolume III of the Dictionary of American Regional English--or DARE, to its language-loving devotees coast to coast--is the latest installment ("I" to "O") of the most comprehensive effort ever mounted to capture the words the American people actually use in theireveryday life, words that don't always get written down…It's a browser's delight and a front-row seat at the Great American Variety Show.\ — Rick Horowitz\ \ \ \ \ Miami HeraldFlowerpots and sinkers and cabbage patches fill the fascinating pages of the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE), whose second volume, D to H, comes out this summer...It is not everyone's idea of fun to cozy up with a dictionary, of course. But this is not just any old reference book. It's a linguistic guide to America, with a little bit of Americana waiting to be discovered on every one of its 1,192 pages.\ — Rick Horowitz\ \ \ \ \ Los Angeles TimesIn DARE, it's the speakers who get their say. A trip through its pages is part Trivial Pursuit®, part scholarship, and part treasure hunt.\ — Bob Secter\ \ \ \ \ Philadelphia Inquirer[T]he regional qualities of American English continue to make our tongue colorful, gracious, even elegant. This dictionary examines those words and phrases--not the everyday ones we all use, like hand or smile or part-time…DARE is especially revealing; it shows, almost instantly, that in this country language is not fodder for regulation; language simply is, period. We all say much the same things--in sometimes very different ways...This survey of spoken English is, as its publisher proudly proclaims, unprecedented. It's also scholarly, endlessly fascinating and enlightening. You can hear America talking from its pages\ — Howard S. Shapiro\ \ \ \ \ Chicago Sun-Times[A] green pasture of language, perfect for browsing by a lover of words.\ — James Kilpatrick\ \ \ \ \ New York Times Book ReviewThis long-awaited, definitive and fascinating Dictionary of American Regional English [DARE]...is all we had hoped for and more. It includes the regional and folk language, past and present, of the old and the young, men and women, white and black, the rural and the urban, from all walks of life...Although DARE will be one of the most scholarly, comprehensive and detailed dictionaries ever completed...it will also be one of the easiest and most enjoyable to use or browse in...This is an exciting, lasting work of useful scholarship accomplished with excellence, a work that scholars and laypeople alike will study, use and enjoy for generations.\ — Stuart B. Flexner\ \ \ \ \ IsthmusEditor Frederic G. Cassidy and associate editior Joan Houston Hall have an appetite for American dialect suited to their painstaking work on what may be the great reference work of our age...But while the OED's English is like Latin--a linguistic fossil bed--DARE documents a living, mutable language...DARE offers delights on every page, the taxonomy of 10,000 fanciful American constructions,turns of phrase and words that don't mean what you think. \ — David Medaris\ \ \ \ \ \ New York Times MagazineProof that tourism, television and technological change haven't rounded off all the gaudy and gracious edges of the way we talk.\ — William Safire\ \ \ \ \ Language and LinguisticsThe content of the DARE volumes is both enlightening and entertaining...Anyone with an interest in American history and life in general will enjoy browsing through this volume.\ — Kay O. Cornelius\ \ \ \ \ American SpeechA flat-out excellent continuation of the first volume...DARE must be seen as having an influence on the field of lexicography when editors of other dictionaries look to it for guidance. This type of influence previously has been seen rarely, outside of the pervasive influence exercised by the OED...The makers of DARE, from Cassidy to copy editor, can rest assured that their work will long be used and held valuable by the American contingent of humanity.\ — Thomas L. Clark\ \ \ \ \ Library JournalLong in gestation, having been an original goal of the American Dialect Society in 1889, DARE is the result of 25 years of sustained work by its editor, with support from the NEH, universities, institutions, hundreds of volunteers, and 2,777 informants. Entries give definitions; pronunciation; alternative forms; examples; dated reference to sources, which include a unique questionnaire; and then clear indication of where the word is used. Computer-produced maps are a significant feature, as are extensive introductory articles about the maps, pronunciation, language changes, and the DARE project. In an attractive and readable design, on acid-free paper, at a reasonable price, DARE is an important and necessary purchase for academic and public libraries. William Wortman, Miami Univ. Lib., Ohio\ \