Developments in the Design of Thermal Systems

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Author: Robert F. Boehm

ISBN-10: 0521020050

ISBN-13: 9780521020053

Category: Engineering design

Thermal systems are essential features in power, chemical processing, air conditioning, and other industries where heat and power are used. As the cost and complexity of designing thermal systems have increased, the need to understand and improve the design process has also grown. This book describes recent progress in the design of thermal systems. The book begins with a brief history and outline of developments in thermal system design. Chapters then discuss computer design tools for the...

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Reference for engineers in a wide variety of industries (including power plants and chemical plants) on design of thermal systems.

PrefaceBiographical sketches of the authors1Introduction and trends in the thermal design field12Computer-aided process design trends in the power industry163Automated design of chemical process plants404Thermophysical properties for design simulations765Introduction to Pinch Analysis1226Second Law applications in thermal system design1397Thermodynamic optimization of heat transfer and fluid flow processes1738An introduction of thermoeconomics2039Artificial intelligence in thermal systems design: concepts and applications234References277Subject Index279Author Index285