Developmental Regulation in Adulthood: Age-Normative and Sociostructural Constraints as Adaptive Challenges

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Author: Jutta Heckhausen

ISBN-10: 0521581443

ISBN-13: 9780521581448

Category: Psychology - Theory, History & Research

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How individuals influence and organize their life course.

AcknowledgmentsList of Tables and FiguresIntroduction11Selectivity and Failure Compensation as Fundamental Requirements of Human Behavior and Development72The Life Course as a Context of Action193Primary and Secondary Control across the Life Span624A Model of Developmental Regulation across the Life Span855Developmental Goals as Organizers of Developmental Regulation1026Developmental Regulation in Different Life-Course Ecologies1227Social Comparisons as Prototypical Strategies in Developmental Regulation1578Conclusions and Prospects for Future Research191References201Name Index233Subject Index239