Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 4th Edition

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Author: Mitchell A. Seligson

ISBN-10: 1588265846

ISBN-13: 9781588265845

Category: Economic Conditions

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This new edition of Development and Underdevelopment retains the strongest contributions of the previous three editions but includes twelve new chapters that reflect the many seminal contributions made to the field in recent years. There are also two new sections: one addressing the historical origins of the gap between rich and poor countries, and another focusing on how globalization has affected the gap between countries and between the rich and poor within countries. The editors' short introductions to each selection, highlighting its significance, remain a key feature of the book.

1 The Dual Gaps: An Overview of Theory and Research Mitchell A. Seligson Seligson, Mitchell A. 1Pt. 1 Is There a Gap Between Rich and Poor Countries?2 Characteristics of the Income Gap Between Countries John T. Passe-Smith Passe-Smith, John T. 113 The Rising Inequality of World Income Distribution Robert Hunter Wade Wade, Robert Hunter 314 Empiries of World Income Inequality Glenn Firebaugh Firebaugh, Glenn 395 Assessing Contending Measures of the Income Gap John T. Passe-Smith Passe-Smith, John T. 53Pt. 2 The Historical Origins of the Gap6 The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective Angus Maddison Maddison, Angus 757 Why Did Human History Unfold Differently on Different Continents for the Last 13,000 Years? Jared Diamond Diamond, Jared 838 Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and Integration in Economic Development Dani Rodrik Rodrik, Dani Arvind Subramanian Subramanian, Arvind Francesco Trebbi Trebbi, Francesco 919 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation Daron Acemoglu Acemoglu, Daron Simon Johnson Johnson, Simon James A. Robinson Robinson, James A. 9910 The Great Escape: The Industrial Revolution in Theory and in History Gregory Clark Clark, Gregory 111Pt. 3 The Other Gap: Domestic Income Inequality11 Economic Growth and Income Inequality Simon Kuznets Kuznets, Simon 13512 Should Equity Be a Goal of Economic Policy? IMF Fiscal Affairs Department 14913 Inequality and Insurgency Edward N. Muller Muller, Edward N. Mitchell A. Seligson Seligson, Mitchell A. 155Pt. 4 The Classic Thesis: Convergence or Divergence?14 The Five Stages of Growth W. W. RostowRostow, W. W. 17315 Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: What the Long-Run Data Show William J. Baumol Baumol, William J. 18116 Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: Comment J. Bradford De Long De Long, J. Bradford 195Pt. 5 Culture and Development17 The Achievement Motive in Economic Growth David C. McClelland McClelland, David C. 20918 Underdevelopment Is a State of Mind Lawrence E. Harrison Harrison, Lawrence E. 22719 The Confucian Ethic and Economic Growth Herman Kahn Kahn, Herman 23720 The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypotheses, and Some Empirical Tests Jim Granato Granato, Jim Ronald Inglehart Inglehart, Ronald David Leblang Leblang, David 241Pt. 6 Dependency and World Systems Theory: Still Relevant?21 The Development of Underdevelopment Andre Gunder Frank Frank, Andre Gunder 25722 American Penetration and Canadian Development: A Case Study of Mature Dependency Heather-Jo Hammer Hammer, Heather-Jo John W. Gartrell Gartrell, John W. 26923 The Irish Case of Dependency: An Exception to the Exception? Denis O'Hearn O'Hearn, Denis 28324 Transnational Corporations in World Development: Still the Same Harmful Effects in an Increasingly Globalized World Economy? Mark Herkenrath Herkenrath, Mark Volker Bornschier Bornschier, Volker 303Pt. 7 The Role of Institutions25 Big Bills Left on the Sidewalk: Why Some Nations Are Rich, and Others Poor Mancur Olson, Jr. Olson, Mancur, Jr. 31726 Mauritius: A Case Study Arvind Subramanian Subramanian, Arvind 33927 Urban Bias and Inequality Michael Lipton Lipton, Michael 34528 Political Regimes and Economic Growth Adam Przeworski Przeworski, Adam Fernando Limongi Limongi, Fernando 35129 Inequality as a Constraint on Growth in Latin America Naney Birdsall Birdsall, Naney Richard Sabot Sabot, Richard 363Pt. 8 The Impact of Globalization30 Globalisation Anthony Giddens Giddens, Anthony 37331 Globalization and Inequality Branko Milanovic Milanovic, Branko 37732 The New Wave of Globalization and Its Economic Effects: A World Bank Policy Research Report 391Pt. 9 Conclusion33 Inequality in a Global Perspective: Directions for Further Research Mitchell A. Seligson Seligson, Mitchell A. 405App Basic Indicators of the Gaps Between Rich and Poor Countries 419Index 429About the Book 437