Death-Ritual and Social Structure in Classical Antiquity

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Author: Ian Morris

ISBN-10: 0521376114

ISBN-13: 9780521376112

Category: General Ancient History

The chief purpose of this book is to show how burials may be used as a uniquely informative source for Greek and Roman social history. Burials permit a far wider range of inference and insight than the literary texts produced by and for a narrow social elite, and by studying them in depth Dr. Morris is able to offer new interpretations of social change in Graeco-Roman antiquity. The major interdisciplinary importance of the book lies in its attempt to break down barriers between...

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Shows how the excavated remains of burials are a major source of evidence for social historians of the ancient Graeco-Roman world.

List of figuresList of tablesPrefaceAbbreviations1The anthropology of a dead world12'Mos Romanus': cremation and inhumation in the Roman empire313'Dem bones': skeletal remains704Taking it with you: grave goods and Athenian democracy1035Monuments to the dead: display and wealth in classical Greece1286Famous last words: the inscribed tombstone1567At the bottom of the graves: an example of analysis1748Conclusion200Bibliographical essay205Bibliography211Index259