Death as Metamorphosis of Life: Including What Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body? and How Do I Find the Christ?

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Author: Rudolf Steiner

ISBN-10: 0880106077

ISBN-13: 9780880106078

Category: Anthroposophy

The lectures in Death as Metamorphosis of Life address us in our soul lives and speak to our hearts. They make clear the bond that must unite our inner, spiritual work and the outer work of manifesting spirit in life. For if spiritual wisdom does not live and grow as a reality in the souls of those who practice it, then the practical wisdom of service called for by the spirit of the times will come to nothing.\ The particular realities that Rudolf Steiner focuses on are twofold: working with...

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The lectures in Death as Metamorphosis of Life address us in our soul lives and speak to our hearts. They make clear the bond that must unite our inner, spiritual work and the outer work of manifesting spirit in life. For if spiritual wisdom does not live and grow as a reality in the souls of those who practice it, then the practical wisdom of service called for by the spirit of the times will come to nothing.The particular realities that Rudolf Steiner focuses on are twofold: working with the dead (and the spiritual hierarchies) and coming to know the Christ. What these two have in common is that they are both Earth-centered. They teach us the fundamental importance of everyday human destiny and earthly life-not just for humanity, but also for divinity and the cosmos. We learn not only what the dead can teach us about the spiritual world and the working of the hierarchies, but also what it means to be human in a spiritual sense. We learn of the importance of working with the dead and the angelic worlds, both for our own and their development, and for the future evolution of the Earth.The Mystery of Golgotha is equally important. It must be understood spiritually. As Steiner says: "It is the will of the gods that the most important event on Earth must compel us to spirituality." The Christ must be experienced inwardly, not historically. At the same time, he must be found on Earth-for instance, in human destiny. The more we become aware of what is secretly, invisibly, unconsciously working in our lives, the closer we will come to working with the dead and to the kingdom of Christ.How can we find the Christ? Steiner quotes the seventeenth-century mystic Angelus Silesius:The Cross raised on Golgotha, Cannot save you from evil, If it is not also raised within you.

Introduction   Christopher Bamford     ixThe Three Realms of the Dead: Life between Death and Rebirth: Bern, November 29, 1917     1The Mystery of GolgothaThe significance of the natural sciences in our timeTheology as a hindrance in the understanding of ChristThe influence of the dead and of Christ on human destinyThe reappearance of Christ in the ethericDeath as Metamorphosis of Life: Nuremberg, February 10, 1918     23The relationships with the deadThe influence of the dead on the blood and nerve systemThe principle of reversal in communicating with the deadFalling asleep and waking upConnecting the life of feeling with mental imagesThe relationship of the living with those who died young and those who were olderCompassionate and egotistical sorrowMemorial services for the young and for the oldThe dependence of the historical, social, and ethical life on the communication between the living and the deadHumanity and the World: Heidenheim, April 29, 1918     42The influence of spiritual science on conception, feeling, and willingThe destructive effect of natural scientific concepts on social lifeThe human being as microcosm and macrocosmThe laboratory should become an altarThe negation of destiny resulting from one-sidednessIntellect destroys instinctive capacityInstinct must be spiritualizedPerception of the spirit by "bringing about another tempo"A school should give impulses for the whole of life"The world's schoolmaster" Woodrow WilsonSigns of the Times: East,West, and Central Europe: Ulm, April 30, 1918     60Origin of the word "God"Earth body, earth soul, physical culture, spiritual cultureThe churchesWhat is it that is commonly venerated as "God"?The East and the new SpiritualityLeninism as the bitterest ironyTagore, the task of Central Europe between the Orient and Anglo-AmericanismRebellion Against the Spirit: Hamburg, June 30, 1918     79Relationships between the living and the deadFalling asleep and waking upThe dead as counselors of the livingLloyd George, Matthias Erzberger, Goethe's developmentFaust and WagnerMephisto, Lucifer, and AhrimanPsychoanalysisOtto WeiningerMax DessoirOscar HertwigGibbonTreitschkeThe trials of gifted peopleWhat Does the Angel Do in Our Astral Body?: Zurich, October 9, 1918     108The working of the hierarchies in the human beingThe aims of humanity in the future: fellowship, freedom of religion, insight into the spiritual nature of the worldThe counter actions of Lucifer and Ahriman: sexual instincts, egotistic motives influencing health and illnessMisuse of technologyHow Can I Find Christ?: Zurich, October 16, 1918     127The disease of atheism, denial of Christ's misery, denial of spiritual idiocyThe Mystery of Golgotha and scienceHarnackThe situation of humanity at the time of the Mystery of GolgothaThe year 333The origin of the gospels through atavistic clairvoyanceTertullianThe year 666JustinianThe academy of GondishapurMohammedThe Council of Constantinople of 869Angelus SilesiusJohannes MuellerSpeech as gestureWoodrow Wilson and Herman GrimmReference Notes     151Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works     161Significant Events in the Life of Rudolf Steiner     176Index     190