Death and Bereavement Around the World (Death, Value and Meaning Series): Volume 3: Europe

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Author: John D. Morgan

ISBN-10: 0895032376

ISBN-13: 9780895032379

Category: General & Miscellaneous

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General Introduction1Introduction to Volume 35Chapter 1Living and Dying is an Art Even in Belgium11Chapter 2Development of Hospice Movement and Palliative Care in Croatia23Chapter 3Bereavement and Funerals: How Do the British Cope?27Chapter 4Death and Mourning in Germany39Chapter 5Dying and Death in the Greek Culture55Chapter 6Cross Cultural Issues in the Care of the Dying and the Grieving. The Irish Perspective69Chapter 7Thanatology in Italy87Chapter 8The Death System of the Netherlands97Chapter 9Dying, Death, Funeral, and Grief in Poland119Chapter 10The Portuguese Way of Death141Chapter 11The Problem of Death and a System of "Death Education" in Russia159Chapter 12Death and Bereavement in Sweden173Chapter 13Death Customs in Ukraine185Chapter 14Wales191Chapter 15Conclusion203Contributors207Index211