Dancing in the Dark: Youth, Popular Culture, and the Electronic Media

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Author: Roy M. Anker

ISBN-10: 0802805302

ISBN-13: 9780802805300

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

The authors offer an insightful analysis of the symbiotic relationship between the popular entertainment industry and America's youth, suggest principles for evaluating popular art and entertainment, and propose strategies for rebuilding strong local cultures in the face of global media giants.

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The authors offer an insightful analysis of the symbiotic relationship between the popular entertainment industry and America's youth, suggest principles for evaluating popular art and entertainment, and propose strategies for rebuilding strong local cultures in the face of global media giants.

ContributorsviiPrefaceix1.The Big Chill: Adults, Youth, and Popular Culture12.From Revivalism to Rock and Roll: Youth and Media Historically Considered143.Lost in Time and Space: Youth in an Electronic Culture464.Risky Business: Youth and the Entertainment Industry765.Consuming Visions: Popular Art in Consumer Capitalism1116.The Heart of Rock and Roll: The Landscape of a Musical Style1467.Rocking to Images: The Music Television Revolution1788.Looking at Teen Films: History, Market, and Meaning2119.Chasing the Grail: Youth in a Culture of Leisure25010.Zappa Meets Gore: Evaluating Popular Art278Selected Bibliography310Index342Acknowledgments348