Cultural Diversity among Twentieth-Century Foragers: An African Perspective

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Author: Susan Kent

ISBN-10: 0521026008

ISBN-13: 9780521026000

Category: African Studies

This book examines variability within broadly defined African forager societies. Foragers have been seen as culturally similar as they all pursue a subsistence strategy emphasizing hunting and gathering. However, new research suggests there may be more diversity among groups than has been acknowledged. Here, leading scholars contrast groups within forager societies. Chapters range in scope from symbolic to ecological and behavioral, providing invaluable data on hunter-gatherer life for anyone...

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This book examines variability within broadly defined African forager societies.

List of illustrationsList of contributors1Cultural diversity among African foragers: causes and implications12Neither are your ways my ways213Diversity and flexibility: the case of the Bushmen of southern Africa654Nharo and Hai//om settlement patterns in comparative perspective875Kua: farmer/foragers of the eastern Kalahari, Botswana1086Hunting variability at a recently sedentary Kalahari village1257The global process and local ecology: how should we explain differences between the Hadza and the !Kung?1598Fission, fusion, and foragers in East Africa: micro- and macroprocesses of diversity and integration among Okiek groups1889Cultural diversity among African pygmies21510A comparative approach to hunting rituals among Baka Pygmies (southeastern Cameroon)24511Cultural diversity in the use of plants by Mbuti hunter-gatherers in northeastern Zaire: an ethnobotanical approach27612Hunter-gatherer research and cultural diversity297References305Index334