Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Media Literacy Applications

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Author: Mary-lou Galician

ISBN-10: 0805856161

ISBN-13: 9780805856163

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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This distinctive volume explores how romantic coupleship is represented in books, magazines, popular music, movies, television, and the Internet within entertainment, advertising, and news/information. This reader offers diverse theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches on the representation of romantic relationships across the media spectrum. Filling a void in existing media scholarship, this collection explores the media’s influence on perceptions and expectations in relationships, including the myths, stereotypes, and prescriptions manifested throughout the press. Featuring fresh voices, as well as the perspectives of seasoned veterans, contributions include quantitative and qualitative studies along with cultural/critical, feminist, and descriptive analyses. This anthology has been developed for use in courses on mass media and society, media studies, and media literacy. In addition to its use in coursework, it is highly relevant for scholars, researchers, and others interested in how the media influence the personal lives of individuals.

Contents: Preface. M-L. Galician, “Dis-illusioning” as Discovery: The Research Basis and Media Literacy Applications of Dr. FUN’s Mass Media Love Quiz© and Dr. Galician’s Prescriptions©. Part I: Attraction. S.R. Mazzarella, Cyberdating Success Stories and the Mythic Narrative of “Living Happily-Ever-After With The One”. O. Werder, Brewing Romance: The Romantic Fantasy Theme of the Taster’s Choice “Couple” Advertising Campaign. S. Johnson, Promoting Easy Sex Without Genuine Intimacy: Maxim and Cosmopolitan Cover Lines and Cover Images. J.E. Ferris, What’s Love Got to Do With It? Mode Readers Expose and Perpetuate Mediated Myths of Romance. Part II: Hegemony. M.G. Carstarphen, Write Romance: Zora Neale Hurston’s Love Prescription in Their Eyes Were Watching God. S. Bramlett-Solomon, Interracial Love on Television: What’s Taboo Still and What’s Not. D.I. Rios, X.A. Reyes, Jennifer Lopez and a Hollywood Latina Romance Film: Mythic Motifs in Maid in Manhattan. J.A. Grant, H.L. Hundley, Myths of Sex, Love, and Romance of Older Women in Golden Girls. A. Bader, "Love Will Steer the Stars” and Other Improbable Feats: Media Myths in Popular Love Songs. C. Scodari, R. Trust, Power, Romance, and the “Lone Male Hero”: Deciphering the Double Standard in The Da Vinci Code. D. Natharius, Gender Equity Stereotypes or Prescriptions? Subtexts of the Stairway Scenes in the Romantic Films of Helen Hunt. Part III: Conflict. R.A. Slagle, G.A. Yep, Taming Brian: Sex, Love, and Romance in Queer as Folk. A.L.S. Buslig, T.M. Ocaña, Myths of Romantic Conflict in the Television Situation Comedy. J.L. Hall, 'Til Politics Do Us Part: The Political Romance in Hollywood Cinema. J. Hays, "Five Total Strangers, With Nothing in Common”: Using Galician’s Seven-Step Dis-illusioning Directions to Think Critically About The Breakfast Club. A. Hutchins, Cue the Lights and Music: How Cinematic Devices Contribute to the Perpetuation of Romantic Myths in Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge. L.L. Winn, Carpe Diem: Relational Scripts and “Seizing the Day” in the Hollywood Romantic Comedy. R. Leone, W.C. Peek, Gangster of Love? Tony Soprano’s Assault on Romantic Myths. J.J. Asenas, Remakes to Remember: Romantic Myths in Remade Films and Their Original Counterparts. Part IV: Completion. A.M. McClanahan, “Must Marry TV”: The Role of the Heterosexual Imaginary in The Bachelor. L.M. Glebatis, “Real” Love Myths and Magnified Media Effects of The Bachelorette. E. Engstrom, The “Reality” of Reality Television Wedding Programs. K.A. Johnson, Unrealistic Portrayals of Sex, Love, and Romance in Popular Wedding Films. D. Shelley, The Agony or the Ecstacy? Perceptions of Valentine’s Day. Appendix: D.L. Merskin, Resource Guide to Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Some Additional Publications, Films, Television Shows, Songs, and Web Sites.