Creative Mythology: Masks of God, Vol. 4

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Author: Joseph Campbell

ISBN-10: 0140194401

ISBN-13: 9780140194401

Category: Comparative Religion - General & Miscellaneous

This volume explores the whole inner story of modern culture since the Dark Ages, treating modern man's unique position as the creator of his own mythology.\ \ \ An exploration of Eastern mythology as it developed into the distinctive religions of Egypt, India, China, and Japan.\

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The whole inner story of modern culture since the Dark Ages, treating modern man's unique position as the creator of his own mythology.

Part One: The Ancient Vine Chapter 1. Experience and Authority\ I. Creative Symbolization II. Where Words Turn Back III. The Trackless Way IV. Mountain Immortals\ Chapter 2. The World Transformed\ I. The Way of Noble Love II. The Devil's Door III. Heloise IV. The Crystalline Bed V. Aesthetic Arrest VI. The Potion\ Chapter 3. The Word Behind Words\ I. Symbolic Speech II. The Classical Heritage III. The Celto-Germanic Heritage IV. The Legacy of Islam V. The Gnostics Part Two: The Waste Land Chapter 4. The Love-Death\ I. Eros, Agape, and Amor II. The Noble Heart III. Anamorphosis IV. The Music of the Land below Waves V. Moon Bull and Sun Steed VI. The Legend of the Fair Isolt\ Chapter 5. Phoenix Fire\ I. O Truly Blessed Night!\ II. The Left-Hand Way III. Puer Aeternus IV. Chaos\ Chapter 6. The Balance\ I. Honor against Love II. The Individual and the State III. Erotic Irony IV. Identity and Relationship V. Beauty Way VI. The Altar and the Pulpit VII. Democracy and the Terror VIII. The Amfortas Wound Part Three: The Way and the Life Chapter 7. The Crucified\ I. The Turning Wheel of Terror-Joy II. The Maimed Fisher King III. The Quest Beyond Meaning\ Chapter 8. The Paraclete\ I. The Son of the Widow II. First Intermezzo: The Restitution of Symbols III. The Ladies' Knight IV. Illuminations V. Second Intermezzo: The Secularization of Myth VI. The Castle of Marvels VII. Third Intermezzo: Mythogenesis VIII. The Crowning of the King IX. Envoy: To Each His Own Part Four: New Wine Chapter 9. The Death of "God"\ I. The Crime of Galileo II. The New Reality III. Names and Forms IV. The New Universe V. The Knight of the Rueful Countenance VI. Toward New Mythologies\ Chapter 10. The Earthly Paradise\ I. All the Gods within You II. Symbolization Reference Notes Index