Conversations on Truth

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Author: Mick Gordon

ISBN-10: 1847064248

ISBN-13: 9781847064240

Category: Major Branches of Philosophical Study

Following Conversations on Religion (Continuum 2008), here is a fascinating line up of original interviews tackling one of today's most vexing issues - that of truth. These discussions explore the question of what truth is, and what role it has in private, public, political and scientific discourses. Some thinkers, see truth as something concrete and immutable, others believe that it is an essentially meaningless concept. And for many contributors it is the practical application of truth...

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Following Conversations of Religion (Continuum 2008), here is a fascinating line up of original interviews and discussions on the subject of truth.

Notes on Contributors viiIntroduction Chris Wilkinson xi1 Simon Blackburn 12 Gregory Chaitin 143 Noam Chomsky 274 Nick Davies 395 Richard J. Evans 616 A. C. Grayling 747 Bruce Houlder 898 John Humphrys 1029 Dan Hind 11310 Martin Kusch 12811 Mary Midgley 14212 Peter Oborne 15513 David Livingstone Smith 16714 Mary Warnock 18215 Peter Wilby 192Notes 207