Contesting Media Power

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Author: Nick Couldry

ISBN-10: 0742523853

ISBN-13: 9780742523852

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Contesting Media Power is the most ambitious international collection to date on the worldwide growth of alternative media that are challenging the power concentration in large media corporations. Media scholars and political scientists develop a broad comparative framework for analyzing alternative media in Australia, Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Topics include independent media centers, gay online networks and...

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Contesting Media Power explores the worldwide growth of alternative media that challenge the power concentration in large media corporations. Media scholars and political scientists analyze alternative media in Australia, Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Topics include independent media centers, gay online networks and alternative web discussion forums; feminist film, political journalism and social networks; indigenous communication and church-sponsored media. This important book will help shape debates on the media's role in current global struggles.

Tables and Figures1The Paradox of Media Power32New Media Power: The Internet and Global Activism173Beyond the Hall of Mirrors? Some Theoretical Reflections on the Global Contestation of Media Power394Infoshops in the Shadow of the State575Framing the Future: Indigenous Communication in Australia716The Press Subsidy System in Sweden: A Critical Approach897Commercialism and Critique: California's Alternative Weeklies1118Has Feminism Caused a Wrinkle on the Face of Hollywood Cinema? A Tentative Appraisal of the '90s1299Empire and Communications: Centrifugal and Centripetal Media in Contemporary Russia14710Liberalization without Full Democracy: Guerrilla Media and Political Movements in Taiwan16311The Bishop and His Star: Citizens' Communication in Southern Chile17712New Nation: Anachronistic Catholicism and Liberation Theology19513Falun Gong, Identity, and the Struggle over Meaning Inside and Outside China20914Global Journalism: A Case Study of the Internet22715The Independent Media Center Movement and the Anarchist Socialist Tradition24316The Gay Global Village in Cyberspace25917The Internet, Social Networks, and Reform in Indonesia27318The Alternative Media in Malaysia: Their Potential and Limitations289Index303About the Contributors317

\ European Journal Of CommunicationEdited collections that bring together examples of alternative media are far from new but this one is substantially different and merits praise on several grounds. Of particular importance is the attempt to provide a comparative look at how media power is challenged in different places under different political and social conditions. I liked this book—it lifts the spirits while retaining a sense of political realism and critical evaluation. May there be more like it.\ — Natalie Fenton, Goldsmiths College\ \